Mars in league with your spooky ruler, Neptune, in the first week of Jan is a notorious combo that can kind of go either way:
Louche as fuq over-indulgence, reckless intoxication, a dodgy grasp of factual accuracy/hidden agendas in certain interactions.
High-level inspiration, aligning with your highest, most noble purpose in life, yoga/martial arts/transformative bodywork, tantric/transformative sexual expression, unapologetically brilliant creative expression.
…You choose the latter of course; the better to healthfully chase your favourite desires/most urgent personal imperatives as Mars powers through your sign for the rest of Jan, not to mention set an optimum precedent for a most energised 2017.
Meanwhile the Full Moon of the 12th sparks up the sex/ money/career moxy of Jan as follows:
Uranus is a radical new attitude toward income/how you earn your coin; for the specific reason that you embrace a radically new level of personal authenticity in the world and only want a gig that aligns with that. Same goes for love –they take you as you are for an actual transformative romance, as opposed to boring each other to tears with tedious, bourgeois expectations.
Luckily, Jupiter in your intimacy sector brings a way more adventurous attitude from any lovers on your radar, with an enthused chemistry that promises fab future potential. And same goes for financial entanglements; win-win scenarios abound and set the stage for a potentially abundant year ahead…
Saturn asks how are you going to ground all this in the ‘real’ world of biz/personal achievement? The answer is clearly a willingness to embrace a genuine, hard yakka work ethic with unstinting professional discipline. Obvious but true.
You can do this baby, don’t give up now!
Image: Clare Danes -can't find photographer attribution for this image.