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Mercury fuqing around backwards over your prime career point in the first half of Jan could feel tedious. I mean you of all people are all about charging forward of a New Year, all fired up with outrageously brazen, fresh resolutions to tear up the coming chapter with spectacular progress and achievement starting NOW –you love this!

But you not only have Mercury stalling biz meetings/techie dramas/kyboshing even the simplest communiqués –it’s almost as if the plebs are too busy with the festive season to pay attention to your brilliant schemes –how rude!

...But also also the tricky energy that is your ruler, Mars, tangled up with spooky Neptune for the first week of Jan and frustratingly, on sabbatical in your soul sector for the rest of the month. Whether you like it or not it’s about chilling out and gathering your energy just now, as opposed to being able to force too much too soon. It’s character building for sure, and also makes for a more gathered momentum when things do finally get moving. So when is that, I hear you ask?

The Full Moon of the 12th is big. Mercury kicks into your vocation sector and you get some traction going there, which is a relief. And fires up your creative moxy beautifully, which is great for biz and all but also fab for having some fun/feeling that confident lust for life beginning to course through your veins again.

Because mid month is also about the phenomenal romantic frisson of lucky Jupiter in your love sector triggering electrical Uranus in your sign. You’re prepared to take a genuine risk on love, and someone just as spunky may just be up for taking a wild risk on you too! This thing could work, it won’t be predictable but it could be all kinds of thrills…

But what you’re really waiting for is the New Moon of the 28th, when Mars hits your sign (not to mention a hot, lucrative Mercury/Pluto chat at work) and all bets are off! This is when you claim your time to shine and go for it with everything you’ve got, finally! Yes Feb will be fab and it’s your reward for preparing wisely throughout Jan, well done.

Image: “Armure” by Dior Haute Couture by John Galliano

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