So we have a New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow night, 11.18pm Nov 29th AEDT. Sag New Moons are always a chance to re-connect with any wilding, adventurous, freedom-loving spirit we've been neglecting lately and go fly free in whatever way best turns us on...
And on that note, It so happens that I am a Sag and it happens to be my birthday tomorrow & I'm, fittingly, off on a road trip for it so I'm gonna keep this brief as I'm writing on the fly!
if you're suddenly, inextricably struck by any bolt of wanderlust, rebellious urge to fuq off any tedious obligations and take some regenerative, inspiring travel/nature worship/time out/solo contemplation this week? You're not imagining it, this is the Moon calling you to honour your wildling spirit no matter what!
Because, importantly, this Moon aligns with the North Node/aka the Destiny Point; aka the most powerful siren song of YOUR true, visionary, long term future that YOU came here to LIVE!
This is BIG, massive astro for tuning into the imperative of your own, personal calling, that only YOU have the antennae to recognise's flowing through you as we speak -you need only catch the scent of it and, hungry like the wolf, chase up wherever it's going to end up leading you...
And you don't necessarily need to know the final destination, just embracing the thrill of the journey is quite this one, yes?
Happy Sag New Moon x