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Pluto has been digging away in your partnership sector for a while now, revealing all kinds of hidden issues/power trippy dynamics/gems of insight into the most meaningful, enduring passions around you–romantic and otherwise; and how to transform all this into a better, more empowered relational dynamic in your life.

It’s one of those slow burning learning curves, that surrenders it’s mysterious opportunities for growth with the kind of primal intensity that has to unfold gradually, in it’s own time, over the long term… But every now and again in this decade-long process (you’re halfway through, btw); a blast of accelerated progress rocks your world with some sudden opportunity to phoenix to the next level of empowered, fired up interpersonal moxy. October-especially around the 20th-is just such a moment. Pay attention to any big developments around romantic love for a good time (it could be hot!), and also to score valuable insight into how you relate to all your favourite peeps; this rising new awareness is gold!

Meanwhile, we have to talk about arty Venus and bitchingly authentic Lilith in your self-expression sector early month. You’re gifted and you know it, and so beautifully aligned with how to rock this genius in the world with maximum, gorgeous self-assurance. Creative/arty Cancerians, particularly, are thriving for sure; but whatever you do well, you’re owning it like crazy on your very own terms right now, and the world is getting a load of just how brilliantly talented you really are.

Also this brings your lovely romantic wiles up to a whole new level. You have a playful flirtatiousness; whether it’s beguiling all and sundry on the dating scene, if on the hunt, or loving up your current lover with a special new level of lush attention -you are so good at setting the scene for authentic connection. And with lucky Jupiter in your domestic sector the best place for date night right now is… at home!

Image: via

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