SAGITTARIUS/SAGITTARIUS RISING I’ve been banging on about this for a while now, but in case you hadn’t noticed taskmaster Saturn is now firmly entrenched in your sign, and sticking around for another 2 1/2 years. If you haven’t already tuned into a shiny, efficient, integral new attitude to personal discipline and long tem achievement, you might want to start wrapping your head around it very soon… I would like to introduce you to the term Sosophryne: ‘ An ancient Greek concept of an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind, which when combined in one well-balanced individual leads to other qualities, such as temperance, moderation, prudence, and self-control.’ Apart from the brilliant personal/spiritual growth that comes from your newfound familiarity with this concept; you are about to embark upon a rocking new relationship with your personal trainer/accountant/nutritionist/employer/biz manager/the tax dept/whatever. Hell, you’re even about to enter a more serious commitment with any partner on the scene, and of your own volition! Crazy times, huh? Who would have thought the wild-child of the zodiac would become the new upstanding citizen/entrepreneurial genius/health freak/devoted family man or woman? Yes, the time has come to officially grow up! Mars/Jupiter in your biz sector helps, mid month. You are busting with raw desire to get ahead, and have only to harness your lust for life to toward some tangible goal (see above) and viola! The smell of success is immediate, kinaesthetic, achievably real. And lovely Venus on board from the 9th awakens your most commercially viable, publicly desirable, unique talent; something that nobody else can do with quite as much panache as you. And the self-assured spunk to sell your expertise/product to the highest bidder –you are now getting your unapologetic biz savvy ON, yes? Love? If it’s happening it’s big, life changing, public and undeniable. You’re shouting your devotion to the gorgeous Mr/Mrs Sag from the rooftops or, if single, you hook up extremely visibly at work, with some hot client/boss or at the biggest, most attended party of the month. Romantic secrecy/discretion/self-effacing hesitation, not so much.