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With spooky Mars/Neptune in your income & cash sector all month, you’re really grappling with such divinely inspired motivation to do something meaningful you love for a living vs indulging your most bonkers/weirdo/dysfunctional financial tendencies. I mean in these strange economic times your instincts are so on point to embrace the flux & come up with innovative solutions to show the rest of us how it’s done. So it would be kind of naff to fuq up now with whatever spectacularly stupid spending/hare brained scheme is currently tempting you; just when you’re on the brink of magically manifesting brilliant, clever opportunities to thrive right??

Because really its all about taskmaster Saturn in your sign for the next 2.5 years- where your optimum new normal is lean, mean personal discipline to clean up your act and step out into the world with an aura of integrity & respectability. The better to low-key work that wonderfully maverick, game changing thing you do so well, to live on your own terms & make the world a better place just when no-one’s expecting it -know what I mean?

Especially with Venus in your play/talent sector till August you are shiny & confident as fuq this year, just because it feels so good to be you! So the Full Moon Eclipse of the 6th is perfect to do due diligence on the creative process, to be better than ever at what you do & back up your swagger in the world. Because this Moon is really about your magnificent charisma on the social scene; you are such a people person you adore the emotional sustenance of connecting with friends/tribe who really get you- despite socially distancing whatevs, you will find a way to network & feel the collective love somehow, its your thing!

Also Venus is turning on your most gorgeous romantic desires for the next few months, you’re quite the smooth, flirty lover don’t you know. Especially if you have any delicious chemistry going on with someone special, around the 6th could be promising for a fun dating/mating moment…

Image: Grace Guozhi by Marc De Groot for Vogue Netherlands

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