Ok so Mars in your 12th house can be tricky place for the most dynamic planet to be. Mars wants to get ahead in the world & satisfy physical desires; but the 12th is your soul sector, where taking time out for inner communion with your spirituality & creative inspiration is the imperative.
Of course this could feel frustrating/disempowering if you are in your usual rush to get things done, I mean do admit your attention span can be quite impatient, lol?
But also this astro is perfect. As Mars hits an exact, spectacular conjunction with sparky Uranus/Destiny Point early August, your inner world is lit with a brilliant sense of shamanic personal growth and connecting with a higher purpose that feels so meaningful. With enough focus, the manifesting magic you are doing behind the scenes is actually profoundly powerful -know what I mean?
Because this is all leading to Mars into Gemini, for a rare, extended stay from August 20th until late March next year! All that inner work you’ve been doing is about to pay off big time…
From late August you discard any boring old self doubt just because you can, to embrace your most dynamic personal confidence ever. The next 7 months are all about embracing your full potential with brazen exuberance, shamelessly showing off & the raw physical vitality to pull it off.
So it’s important to get your priorities straight, knowing what matters most to you, as this is such a rare opportunity to sustain a determined attitude for so long. Think about your most precious dreams, that you are brewing with Mars in your soul sector early month; because for the rest of the year its like- if not now, when??
Also sexy Mars brings your desirability & seduction prowess up to scratch. Get ready to be quite the hot-blooded love machine!
Meanwhile your ruler Mercury in your domestic sector from August 4th is a nice way to begin the month, attuned to the nuance of communicating clearly with your family & loved ones.
Then by the New Moon of the 27th in your home sector, Mercury is in your play sector; so you get to have fun with your tribe because you are all able to relax & be your true selves with one another. Especially quality time with your children, if you are a parent they can teach you something about living in the moment huh?
Also flirty romance, if you are dating could be a nice time to connect on home turf. Or having a good time with your shacked-up lover?
And Venus/Lilith in your favourite, 3rd house of communication skills this month. Venus is a charmer & seeks pleasurable connection. And so are you a natural, chatty charmer; who can connect with anyone verbally with that charismatic, articulate genius you do so well. Lilith is bitch, and will not compromise her principles/personal autonomy for anyone; which can be a little tricky, to get along with people you don’t agree with. Quite the combination…
So your superpower is presenting yourself with immaculate integrity, so everyone knows exactly where you stand on whatever issues are coming up. Whilst maintaining an open mind to other people’s point of view, to keep that healthy dialogue you adore flowing as much as possible.
Because Mars into your sign here is fabulous, to strut around rocking your authentic self. But also you want to watch any tendency to self righteous ego, especially if it becomes aggressive when dealing with others, obviously.
Image: unable to find original credit for this cool image.