So with Pluto switching between your sexy 8th house and partnership sector this year; the powerful passions, power trips and nitty gritty emotions are being revealed, in your key relationships.
So you’re kind of primed for the Full Moon of August 2nd, in your 8th house, loosely conjunct Pluto:
Beautifully tuned into your own emotional needs, sexy desires and how to read any cues from your lover. Perfect to suss out the dynamics unfolding, in your love life for the rest of August…
And opposite the Sun, joining Lilith/Venus conjunct, in your 2nd house of personal values and financial security. The more you are crystal clear, about how you are creating your own sense of prosperity and able to stick up for the principles driving your choices right now? The more you can accurately assess how to deal with the people you are emotionally and financially entangled with. Ideally sympatico desires, and priorities help to bond, collaborate and support one another. And maybe fall more deeply in love with someone special?
And even if weird, tricky issues that have been lurking become more obvious? Ideally the perfect mix of Venusian diplomacy, to find harmonious solutions -and if necessary, bitching healthy boundaries to keep any control freaks out of your hair? Your famous emotional intelligence, nurturing empathy and tenacious commitment to being true to your feelings work a treat here.
To be continued with the New Moon of Aug 16th, in your 2nd house conjunct Lilith and Venus. And sync Pluto in your love sector, trine Mercury/Mars in your 3rd house of ideas & communication skills:
Brilliant clarity about your personal & financial priorities. Your material prosperity is deeply rooted in being true to yourself, to the extent you understand how much you are creatively manifesting whatever you most believe in this month.
The better to have to have the courage of your convictions, for the confidence of clear, articulate self expression.
Whether communicating with your tribe/savvy networking skills, with Jupiter & Uranus in your social sector. You are magnetised toward the crew who get what you’re on about, the better to thrash out even the most controversial, weird & wonderful ideas-for the intellectual buzz of learning from one another.
And courageous conversations with your loved ones, dear to your heart. Family, best friends, partner or lovers on your radar get to hear your most considered, honest feelings. Could be emotionally vulnerable, could be easy to express fiery, volatile emotions without unnecessary quarrels , could be sexy…it feels good to be authentic with one another, one way or the other.
Image: 1930's Vogue