August begins with the Full Moon of the 4th in your favourite home turf; the 6th house of effective work ethic & details management for the practical magic to manifest cool things in the world. So your instincts are fully on point, when it comes to living healthy, wealthy & wise to create a work/lifestyle balance that you can actually enjoy huh?
Excellent, also bearing in mind that your ruler Mercury speeding through your soul sector in early Aug has you pulling together the inner mental discipline to figure out the spiritual principles/creative inspo that is driving you from within. And when Mercury hits your sign from the 21st you will have finessed your motivation, the better to walk your talk in the world with optimum, sparky charisma.
Meanwhile we have to talk about sexy Mars in your sex/intimacy/finance sector until Jan 2021! This is where your primal desires are so insistent for the rest of the year, you’re kind of a force of nature if you want something (or someone) bad enough! I mean you’re probably dealing with volatile, combative or power trippy entanglements to some extent as passions are running high; but I’m just saying you can more than hold your own & handle the heat of fiery, authentic relating. You’re up for it, right?
Especially Mars hooking up with bitchingly empowered Lilith this month (exact around the 8th), the kind of ferocious interpersonal chemistry you are dealing with requires a certain level of basic, mutual respect to pull off. Maybe a libidinous drive to connect with someone special –they turn you on because they are totally your equal, and challenge you in a good way! Also biz/money politics are coming up, and you’re so onto working them advantageously.
Extra specially with Mars hooking into the awesome Jupiter/Pluto action in your 5th house romance sector, where feelings run deep & meaningful (nice), but you’re also determined to have fun with it, rather than get bogged down in heavy ‘us talks’ right? Also the 5th house is where you come to terms with your core talent & confident self-expression, and the positively lucrative vibe of Pluto/Jupiter there in sync with Mars in your finance sector is hot for hustling good coin doing what you do. And even more to the point, enjoying what you’re good at because it just feels so good to rock your life-affirming brilliance in the world!
Then the New Moon of the 19th is in your soul sector, for the intuition to suss out any spooky synchronicities between Mars and Pluto/Jupiter –and Saturn backing into your talent sector. Especially with your ruler Mercury involved your inner, shamanic intelligence is on point; to focus on whatever is most meaningful to you, and the elegant discipline required to manifest it in the world –you adore this of course. Taking personal responsibility to create the life you want to live is your thing!