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Omg we have to talk about Venus in Gemini from April 4th until August! This is a rare, extended visit from the goddess of love, art & beauty in your sign so it absolutely looks like your time to shine. You get to spend the next 4 months coming to terms with how gorgeous, talented, alluring & loving you can be in the world –yay, what’s not to love about being you right now?

Also because the Full Moon of the 8th is in your playful sector of personal confidence, creativity & romance to get you going. Especially with Lilith & Chiron in your social sector, lending a bit more gravitas to your usual glittery charm. You allow yourself the vulnerability of expressing a more authentic version of who you are beyond what you would normally consider socially desirable or whatever, and of course this only increases your spunky, raw charisma. It feels so good to connect with tribe who really get you, based on keeping it real huh?

Also this Moon triggers the powerful, courageous Pluto action in your 8th house of deeper interpersonal connection. To the degree last month you had Saturn/Pluto to reality-check personal entanglements, on a scale of too onerous or commitment worthy -and the emotional discipline to figure it out either way? Now Jupiter/Pluto is such dynamic, positive, limbic, lustful energy to connect & move forward with someone special you realize how much you care about –or if single attract auspicious new attractions? Sex, passion & emotional intimacy feel more meaningful, rewarding & promising than ever if you’re up for loving like you mean it –ooh la la!

Also the 8th house is about shared resources & biz/family/partner financial negotiations, and with restrictive Saturn out of the way just in time for lush, abundant Jupiter/Pluto you can seriously hustle win/win scenarios that are SO potentially lucrative if you play your cards right. Money matters right now because this is such a rare, spectacular opportunity to work it to optimum advantage whilst you can –know what I mean?

Meanwhile Mars & Saturn arrive in your adventure sector, with banging determination to nail your personal growth from April 1st. Mars wants to charge full throttle into cool new plans outside your comfort zone-because what could possibly go wrong if you take a brazen risk on following your gut into the unknown? Yes true, but also Saturn says hold your horses a bit, you’ve got a few years ahead of cultivating new paradigm living with the healthy discipline to get it right. A mixture of brilliant enthusiasm & sober planning is your superpower right now.

Image: Helmut Newton

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