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So let’s face it, the extent you can be kind of financially motivated you love having lucky, abundant Jupiter in your day job sector this year. Because you are perfectly suited to work the big wealth consciousness of Jupiter with optimum biz savvy; being the sign least likely to succumb to the Jupiter undertow of impulsive, hare-brained schemes/dumb spending etc. Yeah you’ve never been a ditz financially, and not about to start now right? You’re pretty onto maximum earning potential right now…

But to the extent you’ve been all fired up to put yourself out there & make good coin doing what you do; it’s been a bit frustrating having Jupiter retro for the last few months, and wondering when the hell is payday already?

You’ll be thrilled to know that the New Moon of Aug 1st is a delicious, Venus fuelled opportunity to manifest income with such confident, talented creative flair. And with Mars for the dynamic, determined moxy to pull it off. And even better this Moon triggers lucky Jupiter, finally turning direct & back in action for positive, wealth creation from the 12th. Excellent-you’re pretty unstoppable & inspired this month, go you!

Then the New Moon of the 15th reveals certain biz/family financial negotiations, that could go particularly well based on just how charming, persuasive & (seemingly) accommodating you are vibing –gosh it pays to listen those great interpersonal instincts of yours mid month. And yes this also works for your love life…

Because with Saturn/Pluto brewing certain passionate, commitment-oriented yet power trippy scenarios in your partnership sector; the rest of the year is looking slightly volatile about crazy hot chemistry vs healthy boundaries for keeping existing connections on track. And this Full Moon in your sex/intimacy sector is so on point, for those stunning, emotionally intelligent instincts of yours to navigate sane, rewarding relationship dynamics.

And to this end Venus/Mars in your communication sector around the 24th works a treat for lovely, romantically charged us-chats with someone special to pair bond more closely. Or if single, omg your flirty wiles are insanely effective for mating/dating frisson on the singles scene...

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