Well hellooooo to your luscious ruler Venus, joining lucky Jupiter in your income sector from Sept 10th until January! Omg 4 whole months to come to terms with your full earning potential and hustle the cash you need on your own sweet terms.
Because to the extent Jupiter has you fully restless & craving as much personal freedom as possible lately, Venus turning up could be just the ticket to score the kind of autonomous/creative gig that combines truly rewarding job satisfaction & earning good coin for what you actually love to do-especially with inspirational Neptune in your work sector. So just so you know, the qualities most likely to attract the lucrative opportunities coming up for you are creative confidence, arty talent, charming interpersonal skills, flirty charisma and polishing the work wardrobe/dressing for success –lucky these are your most fabulous core competencies, right?
Also because the New Moon of the 10th is the most bang on intuition about tuning into your muse and magically manifesting opportunities to thrive in the world- yes you are that powerful right now!
Meanwhile, Venus ramping up the chemistry with her lover, Mars all month is so auspicious for your love life; whether you’re looking to spice up your existing relationship or out on the prowl to connect with someone new, Venus has your back in terms of amplifying your natural romantic charisma to magnetise them toward you.
Especially with the Full Moon of the 25th bang on the cusp of your love sector, suddenly you are SO clear about your true desires. You’ve got Chiron opening up any emotional vulnerabilities in your love life, maybe to be gently revealed and healed a little? You’ve got Saturn nailing down any domestic commitments going on –but ideally without too much nagging on either side, because you’ve also got Uranus itching for a wilder, more exciting version of sexual connection sans too many boring expectations. That’s quite a combo for Libra mating season; but luckily you are the most sophisticated lover of all, who can balance the dimensions of relationship with exquisite harmony. Or loving the flirty, carefree single life, doing your own thing sans expectation; if that’s what’s going on for you?
Image: Iris by Mark Arbeith