So you officially have Mars energising your sign until December 10th, so it’s time to grab the exuberant personal confidence, raw energy, moxy and determination to thrive that comes with this whilst you can, huh?
It’s the season to grab life by the throat by not second-guessing your own desires or primal drives, you’re so much better off embracing whatever turns you on unapologetically; for a life-affirming chance to run with it, take responsibility to make things happen on your own terms and enjoy the rewards with full lust for life!
Ok and then we have the Full Moon of the 4th in your sex/intimacy sector-with lucky Jupiter on your side. It’s a chance to open up to full, joyful authenticity/gritty emotional congruence in some tricky entanglement/fun erotic explorations (depending on your situation & inclinations). Yes this opportunity is particularly poignant and special in your romantic connections of course. But beyond this it also applies to turning up with full integrity in any family/biz/financial scenarios in your life, for lovely interpersonal dynamics leading to mutual understanding and (ideally) win-win scenarios.
Especially with the Venus/Jupiter action of the 14th, by the New Moon of the 18th you have a fresh, empowered new perspective on your own gorgeous self worth; the better to power forward with a healthier dynamic around your relationship with yourself and the loved ones in your life. So good for overall emotional well-being huh?
Meanwhile you’re preparing for Saturn out of your ideas sector in December –yes any heavy thought processes of the last few years are about to lift –thank goodness, including any depressive tendencies that you no longer feel the need to entertain… Yay, it’s becoming lighter, more promising and fun right now and you know what? You deserve this!
Image: Unable to confirm original source for this pic - best guess Echo Nittolitto by stylist Hayley Kassel