Look given that you are in the middle of 3 1/2 months of Venus in your sign, you’ve presumably been loving your own sensational love/beauty/art charisma recently and more to come? Yes for sure. But the catch is that –just for April- Venus pops back into your clandestine soul sector, so your charms are more low-key right now…
A bit of time out -in between charging around the world being talented/gorgeous/brilliant –to attend to some replenishing spiritual/shamanic/solo practice could work so well, at some point this month?
Meanwhile you’re not exactly slacking on the career front. Lucrative Pluto has your number; where you’re pretty fearless, actually, about grabbing any fab biz opportunities that turn you on. Mars in your income sector till the 22nd then the New Moon of the 26th energises this ambition no end; and enlisting the Destiny Point in your day-job sector for the right work ethic to keep the show on the road all month. Know what you want to accomplish and keep banging away at it? Yep you’re all over this!
Sexy Pluto is also firing up lucky Jupiter in your relationship sector. You are romantically idealistic, and not so much forcing things as ready to rock your love life with a beautifully expansive, unconditional attitude to future possibilities. Yes this is an empowering stance for sure.
The Full Moon of the 11th is a clue about just how liberating this positive, can-do moxy is; the better to open up more freely with your lover/spark up some exciting new prospect.
Yes, but don’t forget Jupiter retrograde means you can’t control the romantic details yet, so you remain beautifully curious and wait to see where the dice land when Jupiter gets moving from June 10th. You could be working up to something brilliant… give love plenty of space and time to clarify in the meantime?
Image: Iman by Thierry Mugler