Mars backwards in your home sector says you might want to pause any big domestic decisions or relocations, and maybe re-think the household feng shui? And particularly not the time to pick any fights with the landlord/co-habs/real-estate type people-most especially treacherous familial politics loaded with brooding aggro are to be avoided at all costs right now. Hold thy fire, and strategically scheme a fab domestic make-over/property purchase/bolt for freedom from control-freaky vibes from August onwards. Worth the wait.
Meanwhile, you are loving that the brilliant New Moon of the 7th stars gloriously lucky Jupiter in Virgo, brilliantly aspecting your play and adventure sectors.
You’ve got this whole call of Destiny thing going on- you can feel a siren song of the next chapter of your life luring you into the unknown, where you feel as though you’re about to throw caution to the wind by diving (uncharacteristically) blithely into some bold new life-defining venture; and the imminence of this is both terrifying and thrilling to your delicate sensibilities…
But then again Mars/Jupiter/Mercury/Pluto /everybloodything retrograde has you biding your time… And this hyper-vigilant, twitching your tail and ready to pounce but not quite yet, waiting for the right moment to strike alertness can be hell on the delicate Virgo sensibilities huh; but –admit it-you also feel more alive for it? Full frontal movement, btw, is June 20th (Jupiter direct conjunct Destiny Point) onwards, and then even more so when Mars gets moving in August.
And Lilith into your ideas sector on the Full Moon of the 22nd releases any energy you’ve been sinking into financial stress-heading lately, and directing it toward Venus into your biz sector; where your worldly take on self-promotion, busting out some creative brilliance and a bit of savvy workplace flirtation, I mean innocent charm (lol) pays dividends.
Love? If single, until the 22nd it comes via travel/philosophical raves/the halls of academia, and late May it’s via workplace flirtation. Partnered? Focus gently, lovingly and compassionately on that ‘us’ chat that’s been brewing for a while, to re-confirm devotion.
Image: Gina Lapina by Greg Kadel