If I was hoping to mess with any Scorpio types this month (never a great idea, lol), I would think twice from late May onwards.
Bitch goddess Lilith into Scorpio from the Full Moon of May 22nd onwards is a formidable combination. You, my friend, are about to properly own every permission you’ve ever given yourself to be a wildly passionate, fiercely uncompromising, take-no-shizz, don’t explain/don’t complain, truly authentic force of nature.
All this stuff is your birthright anyway, it’s just that Lilith reminds you to walk your talk no matter what, and embrace exactly who you are right now-you’ve worked hard enough to be You all these years, why not stand proud in it? You are not only tremendously self-aware and taking full responsibility for living well at this point, but also taking no shizz from anyone about your current life choices. Right on!
Meanwhile, there’s the New Moon of the 7th in your love sector. You’ve got Venus on board here, so gorgeous romantic chemistry could well be knocking on your door! If single it’s a great time to put your famous seductive wiles out there and reel in someone lovely, and if hooked-up it’s time to romance the heck out of your lover and re-ignite the flame. Either way, if you’re doing love you’re looking at delightful pleasure, sans too much heavy drama. Enjoy whatever it is on it’s own terms!
And even if love aint your thing right now, there’s still plenty going on. You charm the hell out of any biz partnerships, and pay attention to seriously cool opportunities coming at you from confidently working the social scene. Right time/right place synchronicity, seemingly random conversations at some party or wherever could present a big, positive clue re your next big step in life. Ok, it could take until late June for this to clarify, but the seeds planted now could end up working majorly in your favour –true!
And Mars backwards in your cash sector? No big purchases/fiscal moves until August. And especially not going on the warpath re whoever’s influencing the Scorpio income. Yes, Lilith in your sign and all but still; any aggro moves re claiming more cash from clients/employers etc could backfire this month. But if you wait for them to come to you, you’ll be in a far better position to negotiate-savvy?
Image: Hannah Lemholt