So I get you’re probably overwhelmed with everyone banging on about how empowered you’re going to be, with Pluto officially getting serious in your sign in 2025. But still, it’s true!
So Mercury conjunct Pluto as Feb begins, then conjunct Sun in Aquarius by Feb 10th. Could be a nice clue about how to use your genius mind advantageously, for your birthday season?
Especially with so much action in your 2nd house, of personal autonomy & prosperity right now:
Venus conjunct Saturn, Neptune & Destiny Point in your 2nd early Feb, is a chance to creatively manifest the values that matter to you in real, material terms. So you want to be crystal clear about whatever you’re on about, right?
And a nice preparation for the New Moon of Feb 28th, in your 2nd house. Is quite the magnificent stellium, with the New Moon conjunct Ceres and Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & Neptune all conjunct.
So the more you are intentional about your desires in early Feb- by the end of the month you will be so onto cultivating real, practical ways to manifest your goals with that spunky idealism of yours.
No one else knows how the fuq you do it-but embodying radical, innovative principles in real life, for personal and collective growth is your natural thing. Some call it manifesting magic, but you call it the power of the mind-being the intellectual genius of the zodiac and all. When you are conscious and self aware enough to keep it real and high frequency, of course.
So meanwhile, the better to appreciate Venus joining healer Chiron in your 3rd house of ideas and communication, from Feb 5th. Especially if Mercury conjunct Pluto, early Feb opens a Pandora’s box of questioning everything, because you are so ready for a transformative new perspective on life? This is fabulous of course, as intellectual curiosity about radical new ideas is such a buzz for you!
Also if Pluto provokes Chiron in your 3rd house, to feel kind of vulnerable because maybe it’s uncomfortable not knowing the answers to everything? I mean do admit your ego can be kind of self righteous, about being the genius in the room at any given moment.
So the really nice thing is Venus turning up, to ameliorate any self doubt going on. Is more fun to give yourself to permission to play, with inspiring new ideas coming up that might take a while to figure out. And the buzz of sharing ideas, with equally open minded crew…
Because I’m here to tell you everyone appreciates you even more, when you are open minded about your own wildly exciting learning curve, and inspire the rest of us to come along for the ride-as we all navigate this chapter of collective growth together. In this sense, you are always at the cutting edge of the zeitgeist.
Ps side note-if you have any love affair or crush, you’ve been a bit unsure about? Venus could totally rev up the sweet romance and flirty wiles, to play with the potential to connect more deeply. Which is way more revealing with the Full Moon of Feb 13th, in your love/partner sector. With Sun conjunct Ceres & Mercury in Aqua for this Moon-you could be quite the caring, emotionally caring lover, to bring your relationship into beautiful alignment. Bless x
And Venus turns up just as Chiron exactly square Mars retrograde, in your practical 6th house:
Perfect to come to terms with how Mars retro, since early Jan has had you slowing down to consider the integrity of right action in the world, rather than just charging forward for the sake of progress. Which you get to really finesse, with creative Venusian principles this month.
The better to enjoy the buzz of Mars turning direct, from Feb 25th. Suddenly you have the physical vitality for an effective health regime, and motivated work ethic to finally charge forward with your professional goals-that are ready to come to fruition. So if you are a radiant success machine by late Feb-you have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve worked your ass off, being patient with the creative process to make it happen.
And speaking of being creative-I’ve saved the best news till last. Jupiter direct from Feb 7th, in your 5th house of creative talent, confident self expression, romance and life affirming fun. Positive, affirmative Jupiter loves getting your groove on here, for a playful attitude to having a good time with all aspects of life. Happy Birthday Aqua x
Image: Grace Guozhi by Marc De Groot for Vogue Netherlands