So Saturn direct from Nov 4th in your love/partner sector, the 7th house is the theme this month, so let’s talk about it:
Neptune in your 7th for the last several years, has been a process of dissolving the normal Virgo procedures, of micro-managing relational dynamics. Maybe you were able to trust your spooky instincts a bit more, to open up and embrace soulmate connection? Maybe true love has flourished? Maybe certain weird connections made sense, in terms of spiritual growth-even if somewhat impractical? Or, even if some batshit crazy interaction turned out to be a bizarre disaster-you recognised the temptation to lose yourself in it, reigned it in and learned valuable lessons about personal boundaries, right?
Especially with wounded healer Chiron & Destiny Point, in your 8th house of deep emotional entanglements. You get that it’s all perfect lessons, at the appointed time. The tricky, vulnerable moments as you navigate how to trust mutual, healthy, loving connection? Or even the emotional scar tissue, that comes with placing your trust with people who let you down? Maybe a mix of both, as love can be a complex thing? Either way, honing your instincts to become more intelligent than ever about how to care for your loved ones and yourself, for genuinely fulfilling relationship. Or walking away from something toxic, if necessary, as an act of self care.
Ok so the point is, Saturn in your 7th house back in March was like yay, I have mastered the art of commitment with personal boundaries. Clear rules of engagement are on! Then just as you thought you had it sorted- Saturn turned retro late June, dammit. I mean hopefully this felt like a chance to take your time, finessing relational dynamics sans pressure. Or even if some regressive situation with old, control freaky issues rearing their head with certain tricky people? At least it was a healthy reality check?
Which all leads to my main point this month, how good it feels to have Saturn direct from early November!
Fresh pattern recognition of any karma at work, behind the scenes with your loves ones. Provides context, to understand who you are genuinely committed to-both ready to do the work, to cultivate healthy, mutually respectful love-with real longevity. This feels so satisfying, to move forward together. And if you have had to work solid boundaries, to distance yourself from any power trippy peeps who cramp your style-you are more at peace about it. The better to get on with being true to yourself-with whoever does get what you are on about, of course.
Especially Mercury exactly conjunct Ceres, with Mars in your 3rd house of ideas & communication as Saturn turns direct. Clear, caring conversations, with a kick of sticking up for your own point of view:
I mean if anyone says anything intellectually redundant, you are likely to flip-as is your critical thinking, perfectionist wont. Also you are so turned on by the people you can have intellectually stimulating conversations with-you appreciate them more than ever.
Cue the New Moon in your 3rd house, November 13th. With Mars conjunct Ceres, opposite radical Uranus and positive Jupiter, in your visionary 9th house. You have so much fab, intellectual inspiration going on, with brilliant opinions to share. Helps to clarify exciting, challenging or frankly redundant dialogues going on in your life -to know who to spend your energy dealing with, huh?
So ps, your ruler Mercury in your home sector for this Moon. It really is worth it, to make the effort to get along with your family and whoever you live with. Domestic harmony can benefit from a bit of conversational frisson-whether you get along or agree to disagree? Your tribe, loved ones and partner matters, more then ever.
Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture