So the month begins with your ruler Mercury, conjunct Uranus in your expansive 9th house. Brewing radically intelligent, idealistic plans; which Mars is totally going to energise you to pursue, from June 9th…
Meanwhile Mercury joins Jupiter in your 10th house, of brilliant career from June 4th. To align your intentions, with your most positive professional growth.
Especially as Mercury/Jupiter join Venus, conjunct the New Moon of June 6th in your 10th house:
Such a fabulously affirmative, new perspective on the Virgo career & public life.
I mean as much as Jupiter has you thinking in big, brazen terms about what you are capable of? Which is always fun to be fully radiant, showing off your full potential…
The real Virgo turn on is embracing your natural talent, and finesse the hell out of it with sexy, intelligent attention to detail. Do admit the sense of accomplishment that comes with immaculate perfectionism, on the job/biz endeavours, is even more important to you than actually getting ahead? I mean of course you appreciate material success, you’re not stupid, lol!
But even more being of service in the world, as you do your utmost dealing with clients, colleagues, the boss etc with full integrity & professionalism. This is such a lovely quality, we all appreciate…
And ok, you want to watch any OCD being triggered here. It’s nice to be on point with the details and all, but not to drive yourself mad about even little thing you can’t control.
Especially Mars into your expansive 9th house from June 9th, I mentioned earlier-exactly square Pluto in your natural habitat, the practical 6th house.
Your best look is aligned with a genuinely fulfilling creative process, with a meaningful sense of purpose. Know what I mean? This could be so transformative & empowering, rather than fuqing around with control freakery at work, or fussy details that don’t matter, right?
Then your ruler Mercury conjunct Venus, into your 11th/social sector from June 18th. The buzz of connecting with crew, who share your hopes & dreams is real. Creative collaboration & charming charisma works a treat, for shiny confidence in whatever scene you want to get involved in?
And genius for flirting up a storm, if you happen to be single/on the prowl, dating right now?
Cue the Full Moon of June 22nd, in your 5th house of talent, playful confidence & sweet romance. Opposite Sun, Venus & Mercury in your 11th. Pluto in your 6th and Jupiter in your 10th…to bring all the astro of June into focus:
Taking time for life affirming fun, so good for your overall, affirmative wellbeing. As you navigate your clever, fulfilling path in the world-permission to have a good time about it…right?
And caring Ceres joining this Moon, square Saturn in your partner sector; brings out the sweet romance potential here:
If already in love, time to make quality time wth your social someone-to nurture the precious commitment you share? Even if sticky control issues come up, a great chance to work it out with healthy boundaries-ideally keeping it sweet.
Or if looking for love-as I said earlier this is primo time to bring your best charm to any new attractions-they could be so karmic & timely, if you’re ready to love like you mean it with a weirdly promising new sweetheart?
Then Bitch Lilith out of your sign from June 30th A sign you could be ready to drop your guard, that has served you so well for the last 9 months-holding your own about your very particular, personal attitude about everything. Maybe now you can soften enough to explore more unconditional love, with whoever has matched your own integrity, right?
Image: Basia Rose