With your ruler, clever Mercury fresh into your home turf, the 6th house of clean, lean health & work regime, you feel so in your element as January begins. Especially with disciplined Saturn involved, you just can’t wait to control freak the daily routine with fastidious perfectionism, lol. The better to shine with gorgeous wellbeing & the satisfaction of a productive work ethic -so many fabulous New Years resolutions on your to-do list!
And ok, Mercury retro from the 15th could be tedious delays/changed plans/techie issues to mess with your schedule, aargh. But you don’t get frazzled, you embrace the chance to be patient & finesse the details right??
So the New Moon of Jan 3rd in your play/self expression sector, trine Uranus in your vision/adventure sector is perfect!
You get to chill out, open your mind to broader possibilities and have fun with the creative process, to do stuff that actually brings you joy -more so than must-do imperatives, know what I mean?
Because It’s a actually all about Venus in your play sector-the 5th house of talent, personal confidence & fun; for positive, brilliant lust for life from Nov till March. The Virgo vibe is such a buzz right now! And Venus conjunct Pluto brings extra intensity early 2022:
You have some spectacular talent-you know it’s time to unleash upon the world! Maybe time to be brave about revealing what you’re good at, get over any imposter syndrome & shine for real?
You have appetites! You feel ready to indulge certain desires-and with Pluto could be life affirming pleasure, which is a beautiful to do the dolce vita thing. Or could become addictive if not careful; I mean Mercury retro in your lifestyle sector could be where you say fuq it & cut loose, so maybe watch that?
Sexy romance! Quality time with someone special could be teasing out a thrilling, massively promising passion to turn you on…enjoy the flutters huh? Because I tell you what, by the time Venus hooks up with Pluto/Mars early March, whatever love action you are currently entertaining could be oh so real & smoking hot-so that’s something to look forward to!
Meanwhile the Full Moon of the 18th, in your social sector is opposite Pluto. A great time to connect with friends & tribe you can relate to, because they appreciate your true self in all it’s primal glory -not so much having to play nice/pristine Virgo just for the sake of bourgeois expectations etc.
Including Venus trine radical Uranus -you’ve got some colourful, crazy-ass dreams to chase, and it feels so good to embrace your wild side with crew who get it.
Also with restless Jupiter in your love sector, maybe a spunky, free-thinking lover to share the trip with?
Image: Gemma Ward for Vogue Italia