So sometimes your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde aint such a bad thing. As in Mercury cruises through your 5th house of talent, creative flair, self-assurance and fun all September for a good time. Then turns retrograde from Sept 28th to go back and do it all again -staying in your house of life affirming good times until Nov 6th. Yay.
I mean especially with Venus also in your 5th house for the first half of Sept, to inspire your creative brilliance. Then Mars in your 5th house from Sept 15th till Oct 30th, for the dynamic energy, spunky confidence and personal charisma to follow through on whatever shameless self-promotion or pleasurable activities are turning you on. So an extended period of Gemini genius & positive self-expression coming up, you clever show pony you!
And Venus in your work/lifestyle sector from Sept 12th is fab for
1. Shining all that talent/creative excellence/natural charm on the day job, to get ahead doing what you’re good at.
2. Embracing whatever lifestyle choices you enjoy. Because it’s not so much about hard work just for the sake of it; more working smart for genuine, satisfying quality of life as much as possible -know what I mean?
Meanwhile the New Moon of the 7th is in your domestic sector, for fresh emotional intelligence about the Gemini home life. Maybe a better way to relate to your family/co-habs -with Mars involved could be direct communication in a good way, to keep it real or tetchy aggro just for the sake of conflict; obviously you choose wisely and keep it constructive huh?
Same goes for the love dynamic, with Mars exactly trine sexy Pluto in your sex/intimacy sector for this Moon. Passions are rising up with your partner/shacked up lover/any seductions going on at home- wonderful for bonding with more emotional depth, as you deal with any intense/complicated feelings being revealed.
But not so much power trippy games, as much as they might be tempting if the vulnerability becomes uncomfortable. Better to channel Mercury & Venus in your romance sector for the delightful, flirty wiles you do so well to keep it sweet, obviously.
Then the Full Moon of the 21st in your biz sector, on Neptune is crazy exciting professional inspo. Some of the weird schemes you are entertaining here are more practical than others, lol; so it does pay to be discerning between brilliant instincts & hare-brained schemes hmm?
Image: Lucia Giacani