Mars finally picking up momentum, moving forward in Gemini is such a buzz, after dithering retrograde from last Nov till Jan. It’s such fun to be busy, getting on with all the schemes & seductions you had to hold back on whilst finessing them recently; with fresh, spunky confidence:
So Venus in your biz sector square Mars, Feb 5th is perfect to nail professional plans. Success is suddenly more available, partly because you’ve been working so bloody hard at it, behind the scenes. And because you’re so naturally brilliant a what you do. Showing off your innate talent makes shameless self promotion so easy, the better to feel motivated to keep working at getting even better at what you do.
And with your ruler Mercury conjunct Pluto, in your 8th house of financial/biz deals. Professional brilliance could be lucrative, if you play your cards right; with those clever, persuasive negotiation skills you are famous for?
Also Venus square Mars activates your sexy allure in the world. I mean if single/on the dating scene, I tell you what you your desirability is on fire! Could be your libidinous confidence, to pursue romance is scary effective. Could be just going about your business, especially at work has flirty moments that you are so good at, with potential hot lovers coming out of the woodwork chasing you!
Or if already partnered/entangled in love? Your ruler Mercury on sexy Pluto, in your 8th house of sex & emotional intimacy is a thing. Feels like a valuable opportunity to open up authentic communication. Maybe sweet pillow talk, precious moments to share true feelings; if you are lucky enough to have someone special to fall more deeply in love with?
Or if weird power trips are going on? Could be either:
Cut the crap by being more vulnerable, with the honesty to get real with one another again, to renew the trust for a proper, robust passion?
Or if some toxic weirdo is trying to gaslight/control you? They’ve got to be kidding! You are so switched on to playing the game even better; with that acute mind of yours, the battle of wits has you in full empowered mode. To ideally elegantly remove yourself from their influence, rather then caught up in bitchy drama of course.
Cue the Full Moon of Feb 6th, in your home turf, the 3rd house of clever ideas and communication skills.
With your famous acutely clever, curious mind furiously analysing everything; with your scattergun gift of the gab, verbalising each random thought as it comes up to whoever is available to listen. Do admit, lol, chatting is like oxygen to you! I mean spending so much time processing a frenetic inner dialogue, with your own dualistic points of view; you need to bounce your genius off everyone else as well, right?
Especially square Uranus in your soul sector. The sheer overwhelm of so many brilliant, visionary insights rising up within you on an intuitive level; for kaleidoscopic new perspective on every angle of life. And of course you are busting to share this with the world…
Positive thinking Jupiter in your social sector, so many of your crew totally vibe with your genius, for the fascinating conversations you adore. The healer Chiron could have you really bonding with dear friends this way. And of course certain mental luddites might think you’re a crackpot, but who cares? You forgive them for not being up to your speed, of course.
By the New Moon of Feb 20th in your biz sector, you’re too busy being weird & wonderfully talented professionally, to let anyone cramp your style.
Image: Kuniyoshi Kaneko