So now that Pluto has officially completed 29 years in your 7th & 8th houses, to do with love, intimacy and personal entanglements? You get to look back and appreciate how far you’ve come, digging deep about your capacity for real, passionate connection and intelligent relationship skills.
And what a freaking savage, yet rewarding learning curve it was!
So your old reputation as some kind of shallow, emotionally avoidant type can fuq right off-you have fully earned the badge as a courageous, self aware lover, well done you.
So you are fully qualified, to navigate the New Moon of Dec 1st in your 7th, love/partner sector:
With your ruler Mercury retrograde also in your 7th. as this Moon trines Mars in your natural habitat, the 3rd house of communication. So yes there may be weird misunderstandings/tedious bickering with your lover. The temptation to sook about feeling misunderstood, or dealing with a moody bitch you’re trying to love is real. Also a wonderful opportunity to be courageous and open minded, talking about your different points of view…
Because verbalising everything at great length, no matter how complex the conversation becomes is your superpower, right? I mean bless, your ability to relish every intricate twist & turn of nuanced love affairs, even if just playing/flirting on the dating scene is like a french film, lol. Mercury direct, from Dec 17th will reveal the way forward, just so you know.
Meanwhile is nice to have Venus & Ceres conjunct, in your 8th house of deep, sexy passion for this Moon. So more likely to be dealing with sweet romance and beautifully vulnerable feelings rising up. Could be certain, authentic conversations could reveal how much you truly care about one another? Or maybe moments of physical & emotional intimacy, for a profound sense of connection that is actually nonverbal…know what I mean?
Then Venus & Ceres cruise into your 9th house together, immediately conjunct Pluto by Dec 8th. Lovely inspiration, to embrace the high frequency vibes of Pluto-now officially in your expansive 9th house, for the next 20 years. Especially with expansive, restless Jupiter retro in Gemini right now.
So ready to focus on your own radical, transformative personal growth for a change. Yes, and it’s going to mean getting out of your comfort zone:
Maybe travel adventures, to expand your horizons and open your mind by hanging out somewhere new?
Maybe, with your endlessly curious mind, the buzz of expanding your intellectual horizons. I mean it’s interesting that Pluto gets moving in your 9th this month, opposite Mars turning retrograde in your natural habitat-the 3rd house of ideas, learning and communication.
So maybe-hear me out-you have outgrown previous assumptions and limiting beliefs by now? Lucky you are not dogmatic about this, too intelligent and curious to get stuck in some boring mental impasse of being right all the time, just because ego. Much more fun to treat every conversation as a learning opportunity, and play with evolving ideas in your own mind.
Ready for Pluto to blow your mind, with wild and wonderful new concepts about the meaning of life and your own, increasingly idealistic personal aspirations. Especially Jupiter direct in your sign from February-when affirmative, positive ideals feel so much more available. Plenty of time to explore this process for the next 20 years-how exciting!
Meanwhile Neptune direct from Dec 9th in your brilliant career sector, where Saturn turned direct last month. To the degree you’ve been getting your act together about a focused, intentional work ethic? You get that sometimes you have to play the biz game in the straight world-just enough to embrace your most inspired, meaningful professional aspirations. Know what I mean?
Then you are so ready for the Gemini Full Moon, of Dec 15th:
Conjunct Jupiter in your sign, square Saturn & Neptune in your career sector and just in time for your ruler Mercury direct, in your love sector.
Such a fabulous moment to embrace how you really feel about yourself, in all your evolving glory. And trust your instincts/savvy about any key conversations going on in your love life and vocational opportunities. I mean you can’t force the process for a while, but you can sure as hell enjoy the fascinating insights revealing themselves here.
Image: Hannah Lemholt