So May begins with Mars into your 3rd house & Venus into your 4th house, both aspecting Pluto in Aquarius-about to turn retrograde:
I mean Pluto lurking, backwards & forwards over the cusp of your sign for the last year has been a tease. Feeling so close to a powerful, transformative new phase in your life-that really picks up momentum from October 2024, for the next 20 years!
So as you phoenix towards the best version of a brand new chapter of your life, about to unfold in technicolour glory!
Meanwhile you are in character building, preparation mode, patiently cultivating your personal integrity as you go…
So Mars into your 3rd house, of ideas & communication from May 1st, sextile Pluto. Then conjunct Destiny Point, Mercury & Chiron throughout the month.
A chance to interrogate your belief systems, with radical honesty. As such an intellectually sophisticated sign, you actually enjoy the process of finessing your ideals with intelligent self awareness. It’s all about personal evolution, which is such a turn on for you right now.
And approach the conversations going on in your life, with as much intellectual & emotional honesty as possible. Maybe you connect with crew you align with, in terms of fundamental values you share? Or even people with whom you challenge one another’s point of view? Maybe the maturity to agree to disagree-or ideally learn from one another, know what I mean?
Also relevant for Venus into your 4th house, from May 1st, square Pluto. Preparing to join the New Moon of May 8th, conjunct Jupiter & Uranus in your 4th. A fresh perspective on your domestic & family dynamics:
On the one hand you enjoy more harmony & love at home, and with your tribe. And the lovely thing about this is not so much fixed, heavy expectations of one another, in the traditional sense of family obligations cramping your style. More the radical honesty with your loved ones, for positive relating that comes with really accepting, and supporting one another to be your true selves. As such a loyal, but also freedom loving creature you adore this style of relating!
And ok on the other hand, this could unleash any tetchy issues-where you or certain loved ones feel suffocated, get reactive & want to break free? Maybe your kids, spouse or whoever vibe rebellious-good luck control freaking them! Maybe it’s you, kicking against the grain -and I tell you what, when an Aqua gets rebellious, good luck controlling you!
And romance?
Mars says have the courage to talk about it. Some of your most passionate moments this month could be a meeting of minds. Whether you get off by agreeing with your lover, because you’re so simpatico? or a stimulating debate to spark up the chemistry, as you’re wildly attracted enough to try to get your head around one another’s point of view?
And Venus says shacked up love could be so good. Maybe appreciate next level, unconditional love with your existing partner. Or maybe a love affair becomes so sweet, ready to take an emotionally intelligent risk, on shacking up together?
Then the Full Moon of May 23rd in your natural habitat, the 11th house of social networking, dear friends & finding your meaningful niche in the world. This is the kind of groove that really turns you on:
As such a humanitarian creature, who cares about the collective experience around you, and how to be of service in the world. And as such a loyal friend, to embrace mutual support with your immediate crew.
It feels so good to be your true self in the world, the better to shine your unique light as you go…
Cue the big news this month -Venus escorting Jupiter into your 5th house of talent, creative self expression & play from May 26th. Then positive Jupiter in your 5th for the whole year ahead. This is such a buzz! You feel so confident about expansive ways, to activate your natural talent, show off your brilliance in the world and play, with whatever life-affirming fun turns you on. Time to feel good about being you!