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Eclipse season this month involves the ideal work/life balance, between your brilliant career & a happy home:

The New Moon of May 1st is a partial Solar Eclipse in your domestic sector. The kind of bright clarity this represents, about the home & family life you crave is intensified by radical Uranus & the Destiny Point involved.

As in your idea of domestic bliss is maybe not so much stability just for the sake of it right now; as place to support your swift personal growth, a chance to shift family/marital/co-hab dynamics in a more positive direction -and maybe searching for a new & improved abode…

And of course feelings are running high with the eclipse; so it all depends whether a restless/moody vibe from you or a loved one, or even some unexpected change in your real-estate situation causes friction -or an opportunity to be inspired by new possibilities to live how & where you want -with your special someone perhaps?

I mean the Destiny Point square Saturn in your sign can feel challenging, for this stage of growth-but honestly this kind of astro is designed to point the way to better things. And you of all folk relish the buzz of making intelligent new options work, or even dealing with crazy change of course.

Meanwhile lucky Jupiter, in your money sector for the past year has inspired a lucrative attitude to your earning potential. And conjunct

Venus for the New Moon of the 1st keeps your eye on positive financial goals, to help fund the gorgeous home/personal life you desire-perfect!

So let’s talk about lucky Jupiter into your ideas/communication sector from May 11th, for a whole year ahead of positive thinking. Because the healer Chiron hanging out here for a while has been drilling down on pattern recognition; about how any gnarly old emotions you’ve been stuck on have been feeding limiting notions of your own potential-holding you back. And how to work the unconditional self-acceptance, to allow your very open-minded genius to imagine better intentions for yourself. I mean as much as positive-affirmations change your life can sound simplistic -is still true, even if it takes a lot of work right?

So Jupiter turning up from mid-May could be just the brazen, brilliant confidence to realise how much your deserve to feel good about life. Excellent!

Then the Full Moon of the 16th, in your career sector is a Total Solar Eclipse. This is where you get to be excited about professional instincts, to do what you’re naturally good at with maximum success:

-Square Saturn in your sign, feels like you are so up for the discipline required to walk your talk, and earn the recognition you deserve in the world.

-Because trine Mars/Neptune in your money sector, you kind of have two choices. Either batshit crazy cash schemes, which could backfire at warp speed here. Or seizing high-vibrational, game-changing earning opportunities, that feel genuinely meaningful to you in a good way.

I mean just saying it’s a fine line, between spectacularly exciting ways to make a living doing what you believe in and spectacular disaster if tempted to get involved in dodgy scams, but I trust you to tell the difference -well done you.

Also Venus/Chiron for this Full Moon, in your communication sector could be sweet rapport with your crush or lover… to be vulnerable, charming & irresistible all at once, nice one x

Image: Yves Saint Laurent


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