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Saturn in Aquarius since Jan 2021 has been a sobering learning curve, about cleaning up your act for maximum personal integrity & effectiveness in the world. And this much as this kind of discipline feels good, for a fierce determination to survive & thrive, grace under pressure style; gah you might be like ‘enough of the hard work already’?

Yay, so close to the completion of this cycle; you can almost taste the relief of Saturn out of your sign by early March. Yes, and meanwhile…if there are any nagging details or personal growth goals you wish to finesse, it’s so worth the satisfaction of sticking with the programme for the moment.

January is all about giving yourself well-earned recognition for how far you’ve come; a moment to pat yourself on the back. Even as you work at leveraging your fiercely pragmatic new attitude, towards tangible material success. Saturn in your income/security sector from March will show you how, for slow burn wealth creation in 2023… nice one.

Meanwhile Venus in Aqua from Jan 3rd is a sweet, natural self assurance. Embracing your beautiful, charismatic, talented self is enough to light you up; as you prepare to release any pressure you’ve been putting on yourself for the last few years. Suddenly feels easier to focus on creating the life you want, just by being you.

Then the Full Moon of Jan 7th opposite Sun/Mercury in your soul sector -you may be cooking up some spooky, spiritually & creatively inspiring intentions:

I mean with Venus in your sign trine Ceres in your adventure sector, and lucky Jupiter joining healer Chiron in your ideas sector; you are so turned on by visionary goals that make you feel good.

You get that cleaning up your act, with clear, positive intentions is so spectacularly effective right now. I mean the same energy you could expend bitching about how tricky life has been lately or defeatist self-sabotage, that hasn’t worked so far… could so be focused on optimistic, effective new solutions right?

Because this Full Moon in your practical 6th house. So the more your actions align with the brilliant, highly intelligent ideals you are famous for; your manifesting magic is a force of nature! Ready to make cool stuff happen in real life. Think eccentric genius/magician mode -muttering Excellent with gloating satisfaction, as your plans come to fruition, lol.

Especially by the Aquarius New Moon of Jan 22nd, in a grand trine with Ceres in your adventure sector and Mars in your playful 5th house of talent, creative confidence & fun.

Ok Mars retro means patience with the creative process is required, provided by a beautifully disciplined Venus/Saturn conjunction in your sign. So fresh exuberance, to believe in your sexy goals is such a good look; especially if you’re prepared to actually work for it, of course.

Meanwhile Venus in Aqua exactly trine Mars in your 5th house Jan 10th, for lovely romantic chemistry, just as Bitch Lilith brings her witchy magic into your love sector:

You are gorgeous & you know it. The better to magnetise a powerful lover who can meet and match you big time. So with Mars retro in your romance sector, it’s not just fluffy flirtation.

If the passion is real you can hold your own with one another; for healthy, exciting challenge to grow together.

Or if bitchy, ego trips rise up maybe look at that -patience is required, to foster mutual respect for one another’s point of view?

Image: Melvin Sokolsky


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