Virgo New Moon exact 8.36pm August 30th, AEST, and in true Virgo style it's a sweet reminder to be elegantly discriminating about our priorities right now. We focus on the things that really matter with a lovely clean, fresh new clarity & quietly get the details right; whilst avoiding the temptation to wig out over the many details we can't control just yet. The suave emotional intelligence of this Moon is gold!
And with the sweet romantic chemistry of last week's Mars/Venus conjunction still playing out and active on this Moon, we get that one of our most important priorities right now is the quality of our loving relationships. We're tuning into one another's needs & feelings with exquisite subtlety, the better to clarify where we stand and how to finesse any commitments that stand up to scrutiny, establish healthy boundaries if in doubt & with Mercury involved keep the sparkling-possibly highly flirtatious dialogue crystal clear either way.
And if all that pragmatic relationship evaluation doesn't sound especially, wildly passionate? I'm here to tell you that Neptune broadly opposite this Moon is a yearning for rapturous, thrilling connection to turn us on -that feels teasingly available but still a teensy bit elusive? Yes our most important relationships are promising such divine mutual devotion right now, and that's exactly why we're being called to establish healthy, conscious interpersonal dynamics wth this Moon -to get our love lives moving forward on the right foot huh?
Because we're coming into two highly, intensely Neptunian Moons during September-which are gonna be dreamy, soulmate magical & romantically intoxicating as fuq, but also potentially quite tricky if we're not careful/in control of our emotional faculties to some extent. So today's New Moon is the perfect preparation, to ground us in some kind of emotional realism/savvy relationship skills (including healthy, peaceful relationship with self) in advance huh?
And love/whether we're hooking up or not aside, same goes for any other creative/biz ventures we're looking at right now. We're driven by the most visionary, supremely promising big picture plans; but especially with Uranus crazy retro in Taurus if we want to build a solid foundation for certain maverick, innovative new schemes in our life we embrace the elegant, disciplined Virgo energy of this Moon to get the details right first. Including a keen eye to our basic wellbeing & health regimen-it's time to thrive based on a deliciously pragmatic, healthy, wealthy & wise attitude to life.
Happy Virgo New Moon, let's stay beautifully inspired by keeping it real x
Image: the wonderful Christian Shloe