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So Saturn on the South Node of old karmic patterns this week, on the back of a Total Eclipse in emo Cancer can feel kinda heavy. And dealing with clients & dear friends today, it occurs to me that some of us are valiantly struggling with some particularly gnarly issues right now.

The swamp of ancient, unresolved emotional shizz that (let's face it) most of us are carrying around might be threatening to suck us into the vortex of self-recrimination, regrets & scratching old wounds that the pain body has become somewhat addicted to? Yeah & Saturn could be giving us a hard time with the expectation that we should somehow be more on track/perfect than our human condition has allowed us to be so far? And the only medicine for this is of course is as much unconditional love & self acceptance as possible-cliche but true! We're most of us doing the best we can & maybe recognising this, with true compassion for ourselves & one another is just the healing vibe we need right now.

And it's worth remembering that the South Node also represents all the innate strengths/talents/life skills/spunky self awareness that we have been cultivating all this time. It's the bag of tricks we've brought through from past live/childhood/past experience whatever; that we can always dig deep to remember just how capable & fabulous we really are-we've earned this right to feel proud of ourselves, yes? And Saturn is the gritty survival techniques & determination to persevere to back ourselves on this, and keep on trucking no matter what...

So let's recognise how far we've come, celebrate our failures/success equally as part of the journey & bang our drum loud & proud folks xxx

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