VENUS in LIBRA...she's BACK!

Image: Paolo Roversi
So we are midway through an epic, 6 month transit of Venus in Scorpio to stir up our most primal love, mating, money, creativity and biz instincts. And it's been a trip, especially with the tricky Venus retro, right? Oh My. But now we have Venus temporarily popping backwards into Libra for the whole of November, for a bit of Libran composure to pull ourselves together; what a relief! Bearing in mind that the first half of Nov is still Venus retrograde, so we continue with the same precautions of not rushing into any key relationship decisions/financial commitments/drastic beauty or design makeovers/romantic moves etc until Venus glides forward form mid month. it's all going to make more sense from Nov patience, please x
Meanwhile, I have re-posted my Venus in Libra article from the last time she was here in Aug/Sep; for a bit of Libran inspo about love, beauty, style, biz and art to keep us on our toes, as follows:
Venus steps into Libra from Nov 1st-Dec 3rd, and Venus adores coming home to the sign of her rulership. So to the extent the love goddess is at her most illustrious in Libra; the force is strong for all of us as we shine with our best Venusian love, romance, beauty, style, creative and moneymaking moxy. Suddenly, living with style, grace and persuasive charm is our natural thing:

Image: Helmut Newton
In Libra we really value harmony in all of our connections, so it's a great time to cultivate a more savvy, cooperative attitude for successful relating in all areas of our life. But of course Venus in luvvy Libra is the ultimate romantic and prefers to focus on love action to be honest -and luckily we have a bunch of aspects between Venus and her lover Mars going on, to spark up our attraction chemistry (and the most auspicious dates for love action coming up are August 8th, August 12th and November 10th, just so you know). Yes the next few months could be mating season, little lovers...
Our relating skills are so on point right now! Especially with Mercury direct by the 19th we are smoothing over any misunderstandings or whatever with our partners; communicating more effectively and nailing the compatibility that comes with intelligent, sophisticated, mutually respectful dialogue about whatever is going on between us -the better to reboot the natural chemistry that brought us together in the first place, right?
And if single, our superpower right now is that Venus in Libra is a shocking flirt and so are we! Whether we're prowling around our social scene, tinder, daily encounters or whatever for attraction action; it's our sparkly wit and exquisite charm that pulls them in for the kind of promising mutual fascination that could lead to bigger things. Or, ok, something to turn us on in the meantime & flex our romantic muscles till the next big thing turns up -quite possible when Venus hits Scorpio from mid September.
And lets face it, looking good helps. Libra counts her polished beauty as a major part of her romantic arsenal; so maybe it's the season to dress up and show off your own, unique gorgeousness to full advantage on your next date, flirty opportunity or whatever?
Libra beauty is an art. We're not so much trying to pass off our gym pants as insouciant swagger here (save the athleisure for Venus in Sag)- no, we take the time to polish it way the hell up. Sleek grooming works beautifully with Libra; not in a fussy way but simple, classic lines, quality garments and expressing our personal aesthetic sans following fads makes for a classic, timeless chic that looks effortlessly perfect.
Libra wardrobe tendencies include frocking up with hyper feminine, full girly glamour including the perfectly, fully made up face, or keeping it cool with mannish, structured tailoring, or a gentle pastel palette and soft drapey knits for understated elegance. And shiny hair-Libra don't do frizz. and Libra is kind of scent obsessed so a lovely, floral perfume is good.
Venus is the goddess of beauty and on her home turf in Libra, so we can trust our personal style instincts here-because whatever look we're going for we do it well!
'Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies' Shakespeare
VENUS in LIBRA lookbook:

Image: Dita Von Teese

Image: Paolo Roversi for Vogue Italia

Image: Marlene Dietrich

And Libra also has an affinity with beautiful interior design, so we extend our personal stye to the space we live in. I mean with Venus in decluttering Virgo recently, we have presumably had a good old purge and ditched any naff trinkets/crappy furniture or whatever clogging up our home right??? And now we have a clean canvas to rejig the decor with only the most stylish pieces, harmonious colour palette and exquisite feng shui for a gorgeous space that we actually want to come home to. And did I mention that Libra is obsessed with soft furnishings, delicious rugs, throws and quality manchester?

Image: Zoco Home

Image: Dree Hemingway by Sebastian Faena for Porter Magazine
Venus in Libra is all about aesthetics, so this is most auspicious for those of us who work in the arts/design/fashion/beauty industries to get ahead-especially if we stay sharp, trust our creative instincts and finesse the details with a ruthless, perfectionist eye to what looks good. In Libra, living well is an art in itself and the more we bring that stylish sensibility to the day job, the better.
And whatever industry you're in, the key is polishing your brand with maximum aesthetic intelligence. It's a great time to make whatever you do more attractive in the world. Maybe a fresh look for your biz, some shiny self-promotion or simply jushing up the work wardrobe, so you turn up dressed for success and ready to be noticed?
And Libra is all about relationship, so our professional connections matter right now! Our best, most successful ventures are likely to be collaborative; ideally we charm our clients/colleagues/bosses etc with our stunning professionalism, smooth negotiation skills and capacity for harmonious teamwork, right?
And Libra's exquisite, sparkly shmooze factor comes to the fore with any professional socialising coming up-maybe a biz lunch, function or post work drinks to engage -and ok, maybe flirt it up-with our professional network? It's all about keeping it sweet in the world- because indulging in power trips/gossipy backstabbing/forcing any toxic politics etc on the job not so much. I'm here to tell you that Mars retrograde right now says that anyone who starts hostilities/competitive drama or tries to claw their way ahead at the expense of anyone else loses- but those of us who work cooperatively for win-win success with our peers are so much more likely to thrive. How nice is that?
Happy Venus in Libra x