So to the degree we've been bursting with enthusiasm, cool ideas and communication initiatives since Mercury marched into Aries March 6th; now that Mercury has wobbled retrograde since the 22nd we're all sooky because our brilliant momentum feels temporarily thwarted?
And sure, Aries is a shockingly impatient energy with which to deal with any setbacks or enforced patience. But slow down, cultivate equilibrium and review the details we must; if we want to finesse the plan and eventually move forward on a sharper, more perfect footing -which is what this transit is all about of course.
Because I always feel that Mercury retro is a brilliant opportunity to score a genuinely innovative, fresh perspective, that we wouldn't have done if we were allowed to charge forward blindly and forcing the issue all the time (especially in headstrong Aries). It's a periodic reset to engage new possibilities, adapt to new circumstances intelligently and prepare for a clearer version of our original plan to reveal itself; in this case we get a move on with Mercury direct from April 15th -and yes it's worth waiting for!
So even if various stalled scenarios, and the usual precautions of no signing contacts/buying big tech items/binding agreements until mid April annoy the fuq out of us (and they no doubt will); why not switch our attitude to actually enjoying the chance to play around with new and improved intentions/schemes/outcomes? Know what I mean?
Especially any tricky dialogues going on; might as well take the time to talk it through as many times as you need or give one another some breathing space (according to the situation) over the next few weeks, the better to understand one another more effectively in the long run. Mutual understanding-however challenging to achieve-sure beats hitting your head against the wall making a point just for sake of being right huh?
Image: Kitty finds a new perspective, unable to find original source for this adorable image.