Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is all fired up to get you fully on form this month with the following planetary imperatives:
Taskmaster Saturn says keep up the fierce, raw discipline you’ve been persevering with all damn year; yes it’s been a drag at times (no shizz I hear you mutter) and it’s not over yet, but no way do you succumb to ennui or fatigue just when you’re about to finally make some headway! If you’re burning to get ahead (admit it), you goddamn work for it and no way around that one, I’m afraid.
And rebel Uranus says you’ll need to take maximum creative risks if you want to be packing full personal confidence here, so you’re not just dragging out some tired old scheme, you’re innovating wildly-and way out of your comfort zone-every day. You love this! And lucrative Pluto says if you get it right, could be some serious coin/earning potential coming your way for sure.
Come on, you know you’ve got what it takes -so no excuses, it’s time to own it with unapologetic, lust for life, success consciousness. Go hard or go home?
By the New Moon of the 29th, where Pluto in your income sector syncs with the Destiny Point in your biz/career sector, you have no choice but come to terms with your full vocational potential. As far as any dreams/aspirations you’ve been waiting to action –if not now, when?? A spectacularly promising 2017 is coming up –if you get your clearest intentions/ducks lined up now…
Meanwhile, for a good time, the Full Moon of the 14th is a big one for love! Perhaps just when you’re most overwhelmed by the whole daily-grind thing is when some romantic imperative suddenly asserts itself and reminds you that relationships matter too –and they do.
Could be your workaholic vibe has been neglecting a special lover in your life, and mid month is time to make the time to re-connect/nourish this important connection? Or if charging around single, you’re unexpectedly waylaid by some cute flirtation that sparks your antennae back up, to get your mojo moving one way or the other? And just maybe-it’s all pointing to a potential shacking-up/domestic bliss scenario??
Image: Alexandra Vaneti