The New Moon of Feb 1st is in your home turf, for fresh energy in your 6th house of highly organised health/wealth/work regime. What a perfect way to begin the month -you love this!
Especially the taskmaster Saturn involved; you get to indulge your fetish for fiercely effective clean, lean & mean daily habits. Oh my goodness, I can just see Virgo in a whirlwind of OCD bliss:
Cleaning out the fridge, to fit more supplements & superfoods. Juicing up a storm, to clean the colon & glowing complexion. A fitness bender. Scrubbing the hell out of the house/workplace till it shines, & woe betide anyone who messes it up, lol. Looking sharp on the day job, getting the professional schedule/biz admin in order. You get the drift -you adore being so on top of your game, for a fabulous, fully functional & successful month ahead.
Good, you’ve got that out of your system then?
Because meanwhile, the real astro is Venus lushing up your 5th house of creative talent, play, good times & fun romance from Nov till March -an unusually long time to enjoy gorgeous, dolce vita living!
I mean healthy, focused discipline is a great tool to finesse the creative process & keep any Venusian indulgence/louche lifestyle somewhat in check. But still, lets not get too neurotic about it; because it’s such a lovely time to smell the roses, do stuff you love just for the sake of joy, spend quality time with loved ones just because it matters, sweet romance & embrace the simple pleasures that are beautifully life-affirming -know what I mean?
Also the other big news is Mars conjunct Venus in your 5th house this month, to bring brilliant, sexy vitality & personal confidence to the mix. Maybe get your shameless self-promotion on, to show off whatever talent/creative process you’ve been working on, with Mars determination? Maybe restless, to go do whatever fun stuff you’ve been putting off for ages, but now realize quality of life matters & ultimately more energising than ticking off the to-do list? Maybe Mars seductive power, for next level passion in your love affair/partner chemistry or chase that cute crush?
Which is a good time to talk about lucky Jupiter in your love sector; which has been brewing for several months, and finally getting a move on in early 2022. Yay -Jupiter brings such a positive, expansive vibe to your love life:
If partnered, you guys are not so much pinning each other down with tedious obligations. More having a ball doing cool, exciting stuff together/the unconditional trust to support one another’s personal growth; to go forth & thrive as a couple with blissful, unconditional love to keep turning each other on long time.
Or if single/on the dating scene suddenly so many exciting contenders coming at you, or someone special suddenly keen? Just saying the attractions coming up are super promising, but again not so much about heavy expectations; more how the chemistry could rock your world in wild, unexpected ways…
And Mercury/Pluto in your romance/fun sector is a pretty raw level of authenticity -anyone you are playing with now could reveal your true self/true feelings, no matter how much the Full Moon of the 17th, hiding in your soul sector has you trying to keep your Virgo mystery intact hmmm?
Image: Klara Johanna Michel