It’s been great having Mars direct in your 8th house of intimate personal entanglements lately, to clear up any gnarly emotional tangles from Mars retro Sept/Oct. I mean it got kinda tricky for a while there; with the barometric pressure of thwarted desire, low-key power trips or misunderstandings to do your head in with certain loved ones…
So Mars gaining traction this month feels so good, for renewed clarity & confidence to clean up your act & relating style with that Virgo finesse you do so well & power forward the love, sex & family connections that matter! And it’s on until early Jan, so plenty of time to get it right.
Meanwhile the Total Solar Eclipse of Dec 15th brings it on home, literally. It’s all about the Virgo domestic scene, to reveal whatever feelings are going on with family, co-habs, your spouse or live in lover-and deal with them as transparently as possible! And you do appreciate that your ruler Mercury is involved, for the opportunity to work things out verbally –I mean do admit you adore a good old chat, to process every little emotional nuance in fine detail lol.
And hopefully this Moon also syncing Mars passion in your 8th helps; with loved ones up for exploring the deeper feelings & dynamics going on. Especially Venus from the 16th, it feels like sweet domestic harmony, mutual understanding & a nice, loved up vibe is totally possible from mid Dec. Yes including shacked up romance. Renewed chemistry with your partner is on, or if dating/crushing on someone special they might be about to spend some time with you, at home?
Meanwhile it’s worth noting that Mars forward in your 8th this month also picks up the confidence to move forward with your most significant biz & financial negotiations. Especially the Destiny Point in your career sector for the Eclipse of Dec 15th in sync with Mars -could be quite lucrative actually, if you have a savvy plan to monetise your professional genius right now.
And this matters because the big astro of Dec is Saturn & Jupiter in your home turf, the 6th house of healthy, wealthy & wise success from Dec 20th –for the next few years to keep you on your toes:
Jupiter for the next 12 months is an exuberant new call to do something that really turns you on for a living, the better to live large on your own terms. And Saturn for the net 2.5 years backs this up with the discipline that is so your core competency – a sustainable, responsible work ethic & the clean, genuinely healthy lifestyle to walk your talk on what you do with maximum efficiency. Omg you love this –you are so ready to roll baby x
Image: Maya Stepper By Brydie Mack