So your ruler Venus, lingering in your home sector for the last several months has been lovely, to help you create the domestic sanctuary you most desire. Certainly your proclivity to beautify your space, with particular flair. You may be looking around your pad as we speak, enjoying a freshly harmonious, gorgeous place to live?
And emphasis on harmonising family/co-hab relationship dynamics. It’s been so important to get along with the people you love and live with. Ideally Venus has kept the vibe sweet, for the easy, comfortable vibes you prefer, to enjoy quality time with your loving tribe on home turf.
I mean also Venus conjunct Bitch Lilith recently-to not put up with anyone’s judgement or stifling expectations! You demand permission to be your weird, wonderful self-and happy to reciprocate, allowing others be their true selves as well.
Then Venus & Lilith conjunct, as they prance into your 5th house from Oct 9th. This is going to be such fun! As the 5th is all about your brilliant talent, self expression and having a good time, doing whatever turns you on. Venus brings your creative genius, radiant confidence to show off and natural charm, as you have fun with your tribe.
And to the extent they enter the 5th house opposing Saturn, in your social sector-if any bourgeois expectations, from certain judgemental control freaks? Lilith brings the spunky attitude, to do your own thing anyway. I mean especially with kooky, positive Uranus &Jupiter in Taurus. Even if whatever you have to say is too cool, innovative and real to please everyone; your integrity shines with the solid crew who get you!
And just as Mars finishes up in your work sector, to leverage all this creative genius on the job-just in time for the Solar Eclipse in your work sector, Oct 15th with Mercury for clever vocational strategies. Which works a treat with Pluto direct from Oct 11th, preparing to rock your professional world from next Feb-when you get serious about transforming your vocational vision, for the next 20 years!
Meanwhile, picking up on the relationship dynamics I was speaking about earlier. Venus & Lilith in your 5th house, from Oct 9th is fab, fun & fiercely authentic romance to play with.
Just in time for Mars sextile Venus/Lilith, as he charges into your love/partner sector from Oct 12th. Looks like sexy mating season!
I mean Mars relationship vibes can be fight or fuq drama, with such fierce passion involved:
Tends to reveal any brewing attractions; to be pursued by some hot crush, or rekindle the chemistry with your partner. Loving like you mean it is such a turn on, as more likely to be dealing with a lover just as hot blooded as yourself.
Also tends to reveal any conflict, that’s been brewing. If any arguments that suddenly flare up? A chance to clear the air, with healthy honesty could work a treat. Much better than feeding some aggro argument, just for the sake of drama, of course.
Because caring Ceres wants to work it out. Whether you are busy being turned on by an irresistible seduction, making time to love up your special someone or navigating emotional warfare/a volatile love affair? There are real feelings involved, that tend toward loving, nurturing solutions, as much as possible.
Especially the Taurus Full Moon, partial Eclipse of Oct 29th , with Jupiter retro in Taurus exactly opposite Mars in your love sector. To navigate even the most intense relationship moments, with your best, most positive attitude. To keep it sweet, just how you like it.
Image: unable to find original credit, for this fab picture.