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February 1st begins the month with Moon joining Saturn, and your ruler Venus exactly conjunct Neptune & Destiny Point, in your 11th/social sector-also sextile Uranus in Taurus.

A moment to tune into the friends & wider tribe you most resonate with, and how to best find your niche and express yourself on the social scene. Because I tell you what, your easy charm is more likely to win friends & influence people right now! And the crew around you really appreciate the clear values you represent, in terms of your contribution to whatever collective dialogues are going on.

And side note-if you’re out & about, on the prowl for romance your flirty wiles are particularly enchanting here. Any chemistry sparking up here could be weirdly promising-with an emphasis on weird, lol!


So the more you cultivate meaningful connections in the world, with people who align with your most idealistic sensibilities early Feb? The better to embrace the New Moon of Feb 28th, in your 11th house conjunct Ceres fresh into your 11th and a stellium with Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & Neptune.

Feels like this month is all about quality time with dear friends you care about, or just swanning about being a delightful social butterfly is a buzz. And so rewarding to feel your most inspiring, meaningful sense of purpose amongst your tribe and the cultural zeitgeist going on around you. I mean what with Uranus in your sign being activated- a reminder that we are all looking to your radical genius, to get among it and play a meaningful role in the wild, weird & wonderful collective evolution-that is only likely to become more spicy in 2025.


Meanwhile Venus joins the healer Chiron in your much more private, spooky 12th house from Feb 5th. You get that in order to handle all the external stimulus going on-is important to take time out from white noise of the world, to look within. Suddenly having a spiritual practice, emotional self care & communing with your creative muse matters-to replenish your energetic batteries. Or ok to be honest, as a Taurus lush could be as basic as solo couch time, to daydream with (hopefully) nourishing snacks, whenever you get a moment to yourself?


Then you’ve got to love Jupiter direct from Feb 7th, in your natural habitat- the 2nd house of personal prosperity & material stability. Especially if your financial situation, which you’re usually so solid about, has been a bit dodgy since Jupiter turned retrograde last October? It feels so good to have positive Jupiter, getting your natural prosperity consciousness back on track this month! I mean making good coin is great and all, yes the cashflow totally picks up this month. Even more fundamental, with the Moon also in your 2nd house as Jupiter turns direct, is the integrity of aligning with the solid values you believe in-to keep it real. Thus do you work the awesome manifesting magic you are so famous for-because you are monetising truly meaningful aspirations.


Perfect timing to talk about Mars direct, in your 3rd house of ideas & communication from Feb 25th:

I mean after Mars charging in and out of your 3rd since September, retrograde since December, you may be a bit dizzy with constantly questioning, well, everything!

On the one hand as the most supremely fixed sign, who likes to have a handle on tangible reality, and do admit is accustomed to being right all the time-it may have been a bit of a headfuq to interrogate your own beliefs, hmmm?

On the other hand with Uranus in your sign, you increasingly relish the fabulous intellectual stimulation, of entertaining fascinating conversations with all the right people to keep an open mind to radical, exciting new concepts. Being the eternal student of life is now your favourite buzz! Which makes Mars direct, late Feb so satisfying. Suddenly you get a handle on everything you’ve been trying to figure out, confident in the courage of your convictions, you’ve been so patient about finessing.

 And any tricky dialogues begin to make more sense-to be as assertive as you need to be, whilst keeping it mutually empowering and positive. This is  potentially an affirmative development in all of your relationships. Especially in the public arena, with Mars direct just in time for the New Moon of Feb 28th in your social sector, we spoke about earlier.


Meanwhile the Full Moon of Feb 13th helps, to do with relational dynamics. Revealing any feelings coming up at home, to keep it real with family & loved ones. Trine Chiron in your 12th, maybe a lovely moment to reveal your deeper needs, more likely to be understood by certain, special people? And opposite Sun/Ceres/Mercury conjunct, with Pluto empowering your brilliant career sector. Genius professional dialogues, that align with your most cherished goals on life could be so advantageous mid month!

Image: unable to find original credit for this sweet image,


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