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So I’ve been talking about Uranus in your sign since early 2020: transforming your reputation from a predictable, stubbornly comfortable, cuddly creature to incandescent change agent at warp speed lately…

You are now the wild card in the mix! I mean as the world gets even weirder, you are unexpectedly the sign most likely to embrace the drama/upheaval with sublime alacrity. Accelerated change is happening in your life when least expected, especially since Mars triggered Uranus in Jan – yes you are ready to embrace the great unknown with brilliant joy de vivre!

And look no further than the awesome planetary line up in your career sector this month, as follows:

The brilliant Jupiter/Saturn conjunction recently brought some kind of incandescent clarity to your sense of purpose in the world, right? And the New Moon of Feb 12th in your career sector is a chance to finesse the plan. Because a spectacular Venus/Jupiter conjunction reveals your gorgeous natural talent in all it’s glory to the world –so no point hanging back now underestimating yourself, might as well shine whilst your charisma & aptitude are so on point.

Whatever your most meaningful professional purpose, now is the time to make it happen. Especially with Saturn in the background to make sure you follow through with the requisite discipline & integrity. Which you will need, because also Mercury retro brings tricky details/admin/contractual issues etc you need to negotiate –which could slow things down a bit, so lucky you are supremely patient & determined when you set your mind to a task huh?

Then your ruler Venus trine Mars in your sign around the 20th is a lovely, easy romantic chemistry. It’s kind of about you knowing how you feel and what you want, and the sexy confidence to put it out there with your special someone/on the dating scene depending on your scenario.

Then the Full Moon of the 27th is in your play sector; which is great for playful flirtation if you are out & about on the prowl, or taking your lover out for quality good times together. Also this Moon is great for showing off that brilliant talent of yours, because with Venus involved you’re bound to be up to something fab, that deserves some shameless promotion in the world!

Image: unable to find original credit for this gorgeous picture


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