So Bitch Lilith is kind of your muse, all about the power of fearless authenticity. Embracing all the qualities of your unique personality -the dark horse, spooky intensity that freaks some people out and turns others on, as much as the more conventionally acceptable aspects of your personality. I mention this because Lilith in your 11th/social sector for the last 9 months, has been quite revealing.
I suspect you’ve been having a good time, with your naturally provocative attitude on the social scene? Figuring out where you’re just being obnoxious for the sake of it, and where blurting out uncomfortable truths is a courageous gig, to keep the collective conversation real? The better to figure your niche in whatever tribe feels like you can be your true self vs bourgeois expectations, you are not playing the game with?
The point is Lilith completes her transit here, just in time for the New Moon of September 3rd, in your 11th house:
You are so primed for a fresh perspective, where it suddenly feels easier to be inspired about shining your light, with the crew who appreciate what you’re on about. Maybe quality time with dear friends, to renew the bonds of loyalty, maybe cultivating beautiful new friendships? And clarity about social networking, in the wider world.
Especially just in time for your ruler Pluto, retro back into your 3rd house from Sept 3rd. To reveal your most controversial opinions. It feels good to charge around, mouthing off with the brilliant courage of your convictions. Also a nice chance, to maybe interrogate your ideas with a bit of intelligent self reflection…it’s always worth an open mind, to keep learning & evolving huh?
Also because Lilith into your 12th/soul sector, joining Venus early Sept. To embrace your spiritual & creative inspiration, keeping it real to make sure you’re being honest with yourself-about whatever deeply meaningful sense of purpose is motivating you right now. Know what I mean?
Perfect timing for Mars into your expansive 9th house, from Sept 5th. For the moxy to chase your most visionary schemes & dreams, in real life. Taking a confident approach travel adventures, or learning more about whatever intellectual growth is turning you on right now. Way to charge forward and walk your talk in the world. The buzz of getting out of your comfort zone, is so exciting & energising,
Then Mars square Destiny Point in your practical 6th house, exact by Sept 16th. To the extent the force is strong, with your desire to manifest your most exciting schemes & dreams in real life? You get that it’s a daily practice of intentional right action, to get the show on the road. Especially with healer Chiron involved, paying attention to your holistic wellbeing matters. Healthy habits make all the difference, to be as productive as possible with an effective work ethic, focused on your most meaningful goals. The more you harness your motivation intentionally mid month, you are quite the success machine!
Then the Full Moon of September 18th, in your 5th house of talent, creative confidence & play. With disciplined Saturn & dreamy Neptune, opposing Mercury & Sun in your social sector. You want to be the wild card on the scene, with permission to be your magical self. Also you have to back yourself, with creative discipline & personal integrity, right?
And this Moon in the 5th is about romance-sync Pluto in your communication sector, Uranus in your love sector & Jupiter in your intimacy sector. Your naturally fascinating, flirty wiles are hot as ever-unleashing wildly promising & provocative questions about where your love life is going. Maybe someone special, to drive one another mad with mutual desire-and what the fuq to do about it?? Then Venus into Scorpio from Sept 24th brings your natural, sexy desirability next level. Seductive Scorp is on the prowl, and so irresistible!
Image: Kate Moss for Mario Sorrenti.