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Jupiter in your work sector brings a fresh exuberance to your day job/current gig and daily routine for the coming year. You are excited about living a positive, healthy, productive lifestyle and have as much fun as possible as you go! And Mars involved this month brings the raw physical vitality, ambition and fierce work ethic to make stuff happen. So June feels like a buzz, to embrace success and enjoy doing it…

So let’s talk about the Full Moon of the 14th in your income sector, for those excellent financial instincts of yours to monetise what you genuinely enjoy doing with yourself:

-Square Neptune in your talent sector. Can be inspiration to finesse the creative process; especially the weird, spooky skills & interests you are uniquely good at, that sometimes the general public is baffled by wtf you’re on about lol? Ha, this could be the street cred to be recognised as the visionary genius you are-so excellent.

Which is a helluva lot better than the temptation to indulge recreational intoxication beyond healthy moderation; which is the shadow side of Neptune here that could mess with your brilliance -know what I mean?

-Because we also have Mars conjunct Chiron, in your work/health sector for this Moon.

The most dynamic, determined planet Mars, who loves a hard-core workout to feel good physically & force the issue at work to get your own way professionally. With the most gentle, intelligent, caring healer Chiron who insists on compassionate self-care for optimum wellbeing, and stealth manoeuvres at work (which you are kind of famous for) to find strategies for meaningful job satisfaction that also allows a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle. Of course the balance between these two astro influences is gold, if you can get it right huh?

Meanwhile Venus conjunct Uranus and Mercury conjunct the Destiny Point in your love/partner sector mid month, square Saturn in your domestic sector. Interesting times for the Scorpio love life:

Venus triggers volatile, restless Uranus relationship vibes. Ideally this is electrifying romantic chemistry to turn you on.

Maybe a hot lover or sudden attraction driving you crazy with desire. I mean who the fuq knows where it’s heading, but sure is a buzz for the moment -and you are the sign most likely to appreciate how life-affirming & energising this kind of chemistry is, one way or the other huh?

Or maybe renewed passion with your partner/spouse. You could suddenly fall in lust again, and mend any tetchy issues with hot bedwork, as you love to do. Or even if some drama between you erupts, feels timely to have it out with incandescent honesty, and finally clear the air one way or the other?

Especially with Mercury finessing romantic dialogues, on the Destiny Point of long term love/soulmate potential. I mean as the sultry, mysterious, silent type who gets off on testing whether your partner/lover/crush can read your mind -cos god forbid you would actually have to open up & express yourself? Ha ha, sorry no offence but actual, verbal communication works a treat here…know what I mean?


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