So September is major retrograde season, to keep us patient in our endeavours; and frustratingly for you, this includes your ruler Jupiter and the healer Chiron in your 5th house of fun & self-expression:
I mean you are loving lucky Jupiter in your 5th this year-so excited to charge ahead with fab creative ventures and enjoy some dolce-vita quality of life as you go. And with Chiron involved, it’s actually good for your healthy wellbeing & vitality to play, just for the sake of a positive attitude that is so essential for you and explore the full potential of your unique, brilliant talent.
Especially by the New Moon of Sept 26th your sense of purpose in the world, connecting with the tribe/group dynamics that turn you on is so on point-exactly opposite Jupiter to awaken your radiant confidence. It's supposed to be your time to shine, right?
And Venus in your biz sector from Sept 6th is beautiful, to bring your full charisma, talent and charm to whatever career path you are on right now.
Yes, true. But also Jupiter retro can be some tedious delays & having to take the time to finesse your genius. Which do admit you are a tad impatient, lol, and having to slow down & manage your exuberance is a bitch.
Including Mercury retrograde in your social sector from Sept 10th, opposite Jupiter. Where you navigate any tricky misunderstandings with friends, or evaluate how you relate to group dynamics/how best to express your most cherished principals & values in the world? The cultural zeitgeist is important right now, in terms of who you network with as your true self?
And it pays off -as Jupiter direct from late November is just in time for your birthday season, when you will be ready to embrace fresh momentum. Something to look forward to!
Meanwhile we have to talk about the other major astro right now, Mars in a rare, extended tour of your love/partner sector from August 2022 till late March 2023. Mating season is upon you, little lover! Mars can play out here in a few ways:
-Your partner is full of dynamic lust for life, keen to move forward and inspire you to join them in exciting new ventures. You make a great team/power couple to take on the world.
-You re-connect sexually with your partner, to renew the flaming passion that brought you together in the first place. It’s never too late to seduce one another anew, and re-ignite the commitment you share with a fresh buzz.
-You have underlying tensions with your partner, you’ve been trying valiantly to keep under wraps. But now it erupts, and no dodging the fact it’s time to deal with it! You want to avoid full blown conflict, obviously, especially just egotistical point scoring-quite the indulgent waste of time right now. But healthy airing of tensions, with the courage to be real with mutual respect-could totally get you guys back on track.
-You have a lover floating around, and the passion you share is so good you both feel confident to take this thing next level. If you’ve been wondering about the direction of a certain affair? Yes it could be moving forward big time this year.
-If single/dating, this is absolutely primo time for destiny to bring someone exciting into your life. Could be a hot fling for thrills, could be a powerful, magnetic attraction that promises to become so much more…
And of course any combination of these scenarios; as Mars clarifies where your positive, fulfilling love future is calling you. There’s several months ahead to enjoy the wild ride!
Image: Aline Weber