So Mercury into your natural habitat, your expansive 9th house, July 2nd immediately opposes Pluto in your 3rd house of ideas & communication:
As suddenly restless as you feel, to embrace your natural propensity for idealism, unfettered freedom to pursue stuff you truly believe in and maybe exciting plans, to turn you on?
You also realise you have to drill down on the details-dammit. I mean do admit you can be insanely impatient, and tedious logistics being one of your favourite things to bitch about, lol.
So it could be character building, to have to back up your philosophical/political rants, as genius as your wide-ranging perspective is; with some actual, specific facts to make your argument make sense? Or the thrilling travel plans or visionary biz/creative projects that will broaden your horizons…need some tedious admin/details management, to actually make them happen?
Ok, well done you for dealing with this little reality check!
Then the New Moon of July 6th, in your 8th house brings your attention to much more personal matters:
This Moon conjunct love goddess Venus, in your 8th house of deep emotional connection with all loved ones, and deeply passionate chemistry with any lover on the scene.
And as much as you love large, as hot blooded as anyone and can be extravagantly, emotionally generous with the people you care about? This Moon is so good, to love like you mean it!
But also as much as you tend to recoil from the suffocating, interdependent vibes of the 8th house? When you feel anyone else is relying on you, actually turning up on time consistently? Aargh, this could cramp your style and the emotional oxygen/personal space you need, dammit!
I feel like Venus helps, to get over your commitment phobia for a moment; because the rewards of sweet romance and harmonious connection with your tribe are worth it-to spend a bit more time with them?
Also don’t forget your expansive ruling planet, Jupiter is in your love/partner sector right now. So maybe, relationship dynamics are where your most exciting growth happens….
More likely to be madly in love enough, to embrace a romantic adventure fully. Or any creative/biz/platonic/family connections that call your name-feel totally inspiring.
And I tell you what, Jupiter is more likely to attract people who crave personal space as much as you do. For beautiful, mutual trust in simpatico relationships you are both committed to exploring…
Or even if a certain someone is so free range, you’re trying to figure out where they’re at about you? No offence, but maybe a little taste of your own medicine?
Mutual respect for personal space, and more important the courage to be honest about any feelings going on-is a two way street. Know what in mean?
Then Mars conjunct Uranus in your practical 6th house, exact by July 16th:
To the extent you find the 6th tedious, about
bourgeois lifestyle expectations/prescribed work ethic, that frankly bores you to tears?
Also you frigging adore the 6th, when you get to set your own hardcore workout/physical fitness regime and self motivated, autonomous work ethic-pursuing professional goals on your own terms. The freedom to be healthy, wealthy & wise as you see fit is Sag bliss!
Which makes this Mars/Uranus conjunction such an energising buzz, to liberate your work & lifestyle situation.
Especially by the Full Moon of July 21st. In your 2nd house of personal values & prosperity:
Conjunct Pluto, in your 3rd house of ideas & communication.
I mean trying to figure out the meaning of life is such a big deal for you. So the more you get that you’re transforming your own belief systems, right now? You adore the intellectual stimulation, of interrogating the philosophical curiosity you spend so much time thinking about. And the more you embrace next level clarity, in your own mind? You get to communicate more effectively with equally intelligent folk-who challenge & inspire your idealistic nature, in positive ways.
Also trine Uranus in your 6th. To feel so confident about the courage of your convictions; you manifest radical new ways to make good coin doing professional stuff you believe in, accordingly.
Also Mars into your love/partner sector, just in time for this Moon. The genius communication skills you’ve been getting better at-could suddenly become such sexy mental & romantic connection, in your love life. Sparkly verbal rapport could turn into hot seduction, at warp speed. Maybe brewing exciting plans with your partner, you both want to explore together-for the promising future of your relationship?
Image: Alexandra Vaneti