So last month we spoke about your ruler Jupiter, finally getting a move on in your domestic sector this year, toward magical Neptune has you so turned on by idealistic notions of your perfect, gorgeous home/family scenario. And how the ability to sort out tricky finance issues is your best bet, to fund the lovely personal life you desire…
And with so much action in your 2nd house of income/personal wealth/abundance/comfy security, we need to talk about money this month.
Venus lingering in your 2nd house from Nov till March, way longer than she usually stays each year, is joined by Mars all Feb. So your innate, lush tendencies are fully revved up as follows:
-Creative money magic. Especially with radical Uranus in your work sector right now,you loathe the dreary 9-5. So you are a natural at figuring out whatever your most unique, brilliant talent is and working it on your own terms, to hustle the most independent earning scenario you can. No one else knows how the fuq you do it, as you swan around with a free-range schedule & whatever lush lifestyle you choose to live.
But you know the price you pay, for the personal freedom you need is foregoing a regular wage, sucking up to authority to get ahead or back up plan. So you better be bloody good at what you do, self motivated & juggle the income as it comes, cos there’s no security net right?
So Venus is fully inspiring right now, and Mars/Uranus brings the work ethic to do what you do, on your own terms with maximum, spunky flair.
-Spending…do admit you are a dunce at budgeting. Ok you can live well on a shoestring when required, in true bohemian style, which fair enough is quite an art. But when the coin does come in you are an expert at blowing it with extravagant largesse, lol. And Venus/Mars tempt you with lots of lovely pleasures to indulge in/living outside your means, which you want to watch.
Because Mercury/Pluto in your 2nd house, early Feb is kind of genius, to think more clearly and finesse any details about whatever promising scheme is brewing. So brutally realistic, productive financial planning is such a sexy, potentially lucrative look for you right now.
And I tell you what, Venus/Mars suggest that your superpower is shmoozy, mutually beneficial money conversations. If you’re doing biz or hustling financial support-this is super auspicious to get the key relationships & dialogues right.
Especially the New Moon of Feb 1st in your ideas/communication sector, with Saturn for fresh, on-point mental discipline and how to express yourself most effectively.
Meanwhile Venus/Mars, conjunct for the next few months are a spectacular romantic buzz! And In your money sector this month…
Maybe hot pillow talk with your lover is all about making good coin, to get excited about the luxuries/lifestyle choices you could afford as a productive, effective partnership? Especially Jupiter, turning you on to create the gorgeous, dream home together.
And a hell of a lot better than bickering over who has blown the budget more disastrously/tedious financial power trips, obviously.Which anyway is so not your style, right?
And if single/on the prowl, just saying you are way more likely to meet someone fascinating & hot, with perfect synchronicity as you go about your business chasing earning opportunities. Maybe dress up a bit, for the next biz meeting etc?
Image: unable to find original credit for this cool pic.