So Venus into Pisces, from January 3rd feels like the official New Year vibes, for you. When your radiant beauty, charm & creative talent are ready to shine -to get a handle on your gorgeous allure & manifesting magic, this month.
Especially as Venus activates the power of Saturn & Neptune in your sign-as they have both picked up momentum, turning direct recently:
Saturn direct in Nov was great, for getting your act together in practical terms. Then it felt so nice to have your ruler, Neptune cruising forward in Dec, maybe lifting any sense of spiritual & creative inertia-to thrill in a renewal of your natural, cosmic magic flowing through your life again…
So Venus here is a lovely reminder, about the benefits of having Saturn & Neptune sharing tenure in your sign, for the rest of the year. It’s all about the magical realism, you do so well. As the ultimate dreamer who is also crafty enough to hustle your dreams into real life success. Know one else knows how the fuq you swan around, mysteriously attracting all the right situations, apparently on the sheer power of being a spooky visionary.
But you know the work required, to get a handle on your more louche, naughty tendencies (do admit the struggle is real!)-and keep it high frequency instead. On that note, the planetary action this month is totally helpful:
Pluto now officially in your natural habitat-the spooky 12th house, for the next 20 years. You are about to be karmically audited, to dig deep into your spiritual practice. With the discipline to be really honest with yourself, your creative muse and whatever channel you have to divine guidance. Ok you may be slaying some inner demons as you go, also aligning with your angels-to phoenix into a powerful connection with Pisces self awareness & divine alignment. Amazing, this is your natural thing! So Ceres conjunct Pluto, as Jan begins, joining Venus in your 12th. You get that healthy spiritual discipline is about self care, to nurture a sense of deep, inner wellbeing. And a way to channel your creative genius….
Cue Venus into Pisces from Jan 3rd, cruising towards a conjunction with Saturn-exact Jan 20th. A chance to be impeccable, about expressing all this inspo in the world. Maybe in your capacity as a healer/spiritual muse for the rest of us. Maybe working your creative genius, towards tangible success. Maybe working your spellbinding charisma, to charm certain people? Your wiles are powerful right now-hence the importance of behaving with the utmost integrity, as you channel your magic with intelligent, intentional focus. This could be one of the most challenging, reality check moments this month but also the most rewarding, if you keep it real.
Meanwhile Mars retro in your practical 6th house, till Jan 7th. This first week of Jan is about drilling down on disciplined habits, to do with your health regime & work ethic. Not so much because you expect instant gratification-that will come with Mars marching back, direct in your 6th from April.
More to prepare to effectively work Mars back into your 5th house of talent & play from Jan 7th, retro for the rest of the month. Usually the 5th is about shiny, exuberant self expression to show off about-and yes that comes with Mars direct, from late Feb. In the meantime you are dark horse finessing your creative process-not so fussed if anyone notices how dam good you are getting at what you do, behind the scenes. And of course if Mars retro has you a little fatigued, is fine to take time out for whatever fun recharges your batteries. But watch shonky Mars desires, if tempted to indulge in too much partying just because progress is slow- which could just neg out your Qi. Best remain focused on your more life-affirming endeavours, as much as possible.
Which is especially relevant for the Full Moon of Jan 14th, in your 5th house conjunct Mars. Which totally magnifies the tension I was just talking about-between trusting the creative process vs weird self sabotage. Especially the Venus/Saturn conjunction in Pisces, I spoke about earlier in play for this Moon. So mid Jan is a great time to keep your cool! Is particularly character building to maintain integrity & right action in the world, just when most triggered to have a massive tantrum about any slow moving scenarios. Know what I mean?
Then the New Moon of Jan 29th, in your home turf/spooky 12th house. Conjunct Mercury & Pluto, fresh in your 12th. This helps to remain immaculate & on point about your spiritual practice, for the inner radiance to keep shining-no matter what happens externally. Well done you x
Image: Alenka Mali