So Pluto lingering in the first degree of your natural habitat, the 12th house of cosmic, spiritual awareness this month is sextile your mystical ruler Neptune, in the last degree of Pisces.
Especially fast forward to the Full Moon of August 20th, in your 12th, where your natural, ineffable yearning for divine inspiration feels more poignant than ever. With a strange urgency to get your magical manifesting powers on, to embody your visionary attitude in real life? Yes, this is your innate genius, of course-you normally feel so comfortable being a high functioning flake:
Meanwhile how about getting your head around disciplinarian Saturn lately, trying to get along with your dreamy ruler Neptune, in Pisces? On the one hand you are getting so good at the solid work ethic, to realise your dreams. Also moments of being consumed with self-doubt, questioning whether you are capable of the suddenly high expectations you are demanding of yourself or bitching about bourgeois expectations to fit in, cramping your mystical/creative style?
I mean the lack of slippery wriggle room, to avoid certain responsibilities has got to be pissing you off a bit, right? But you get that proper commitment -to your own personal growth and showing up in the world with real integrity is so rewarding, No choice but keep it real, dammit!
I point this out, because the New Moon of August 4th, in your practical 6th house is a great way to begin the month. A fresh perspective, on whatever tangible functionality feels most satisfying to you:
With Venus involved. For positive feedback from all the right people, about how you’ve been showing off your brilliant talent on the job lately. And embracing whatever pleasurable work/life balance you deserve, working your creative genius.
Because this Moon quintile Saturn in Pisces. Such an affirmative sense that walking your talk every day, with healthy discipline and the courage to be true to your most meaningful goals, really does pay off.
I mean this is obviously so much better, than any Saturnian temptation to lock down in fear-about whatever you think you’re not capable of, or bitching about too much hard work? Such a waste of time, when you could be a realist about however you are able to flourish right now….
Which sets you up nicely, for Mercury retrograde into your 6th house from Aug 15th. From mid month, you may be grappling with tricky details or annoying delays suddenly requiring your attention. Yes it could be a pain in the ass, but this is how magical realism works. Why not enjoy the satisfaction of grounding your visionary genius with a bit of persevering, daily discipline to get it right, in your own sweet time. Know what I mean? By the time Mercury direct, in September you will feel so clear as a bell about how to move forward-well done you!
Meanwhile we need to talk about your 7th house, of Pisces love life & relationship dynamics:
August 5th has Venus swanning into your 7th, full of harmonious relationship skills & ideals of sweet romance, just as Mercury turns retrograde in your 7th, full of sudden misunderstandings with loved ones & questioning what you even want from relationships, right now?
Especially Venus/Mercury exactly conjunct, crossing paths as they move in different directions, by August 8th. Drat, what the fuq is going on??
Maybe you are feeling hopeful, about connecting with your partner, lover or crush-and they are being tricksy & avoidant? Maybe someone special is trying to connect with you, and you are feeling cynical about their intentions? Maybe some overdue conversation finally clears the air, to clarify some love affair, in all it’s complex glory? Maybe single, trying to figure out your vibe on the dating scene-whether looking for love, with the cut & thrust of flirty repartee, or give it a miss for the moment-too busy working on your own individuation?
Then Mars/Jupiter conjunct, exact Aug 14th in your home sector, square Venus. Where positive relationship skills become paramount, to do with family dynamics & domestic harmony. If you are lucky enough to have loving tribe around you, a perfect time to demonstrate how much you really appreciate, and support one another.
Image: Eliza DeLite