So Mars into your natural habitat, the 7th house of love & relationship dynamics from May 1st is a thing. Feels a bit like mating season this month:
Mars joins Destiny Point, Mercury & Chiron in your 7th. Yes to fire up the passion with your special someone, or if single/dating more likely to find a new, promising attraction? And more importantly the empathy and communication skills, to explore the more subtle aspects of healthy, caring connection.
Of course certain conversations this month could reveal next level devotion, you are excited about embracing. As well as a healthy, assertive attitude, if all the intense feelings reveal any underlying conflict?
I mean it’s ok to be radically vulnerable here, with someone you can trust to share real feelings with. And it’s ok to set boundaries with anyone trying to fuq with you right now-with that iron fist in velvet glove charm of yours.
Thus do you work your innate intelligence about relationship dynamics. With the Destiny Point revealing the people you are supposed to cultivate a promising future with, who are so worth the effort-who are much more likely to be turning up right now. And if anyone trying to manipulate/bully you -how to smack them down with elegant disdain. Know what I mean?
Then the New Moon of May 8th in your 8th house, of deeper emotional & sexual entanglement. With Venus and Jupiter/Uranus conjunct involved. An amazing moment to attract promising romance, and diplomatic harmony with all your loved ones. Also crystal clear, radical honesty to keep it real. You get to keep it sweet, as you love to do but also authentic.
I mean for context, Jupiter has been encouraging this kind of positive relating, cruising through your 7th & 8th houses for the last two years. So you’ve had enough light bulb moments, revealing liberating ways to relate to your loved ones -with plenty of emotional oxygen to be your true self and allow them to be their true selves as well. You’re an old hand at this by now, right?
So speaking of emotional oxygen, the Full Moon of May 23rd in your 3rd house of ideas/communication, opposite Sun in your expansive 9th house:
Your emotional & intellectual intelligence align. To trust your own instincts about whatever idealistic notions are calling you forward. And how to express yourself with the courage of your convictions. And exactly sextile Pluto in your confident 5th house, to get how empowering your talented, creative self expression is right now.
Your most inspired, creative ideation is next level with this Moon -opposite the Sun in your 9th house, with Jupiter/Venus conjunct on the cusp of your 9th, which is about to be a really big deal….
Because you’re going to love the big news this month-expansive Jupiter into his home turf-your expansive 9th house from May 26th. Escorted into your 9th by your ruler Venus this month-to get real creative about your full potential in the world.
And a whole year ahead of Jupiter here; to keep evolving your most visionary, meaningful sense of purpose and life affirming sense of adventure. Time to expand your horizons, for positive personal growth and this could be such fun!
Feels like you have such a fab year ahead, to embrace your capacity for affirmative, positive thinking, maybe even pursue your wildest dreams? Something to totally look forward to -and late May could be a fab clue, about how to align with this brilliant vibe.