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Saturn retro in your talent sector is trying madly to drill down on the creative process this month, with the discipline to get even better at what you are naturally good at.

But it’s tricky, with Saturn squashed between Pluto & Neptune:

-Pluto retro in your home sector, revealing every family dynamic or drama you need to work out. I mean it’s great and all to transform personal relationships/the domestic scenario for the better, but can be quite distracting just when you need creative focus. Quite the Libra dilemma, as the ultimate artiste who also needs domestic harmony right?

-Neptune retro in your work/day job/health sector. This could be exquisite inspo, to finesse your unique talent at work, and spooky instincts about right place/right time opportunities to find your niche.

Or wonking out with dodgy lifestyle choices, avoiding deadlines at work and general reprobate behaviour-lol might want to watch that, cos it’s going to piss Saturn right off, as he tries to keep your work/fun healthy & productive hmmm?

Especially with your ruler Venus swanning around your 9th house, of expansive personal growth/chasing cool dreams/exciting adventure this month. You are most turned on by big, brazen, positive intentions-not getting bogged down with tedious interpersonal crap or your own bad habits, right??

Meanwhile relationships matter, of course, it’s just a matter of keeping them healthy:

Randy Mars into your sex/intimacy sector from the 5th, to fire up your libido. And more likely to have someone hot seducing you just when you’re in the mood, especially if you’re into men?

Lucky Jupiter in your love sector for a confident, positive attitude to loving large. You’re feeling good about romance, so more likely to enjoy sweet attention from your partner, or if single/dating attract a promising lover to turn you on?

The Full Moon of the 14th on Pluto in your home sector, trine Uranus on the Destiny Point in your sex/intimacy sector. Mid month could work, to sort out nitty gritty issues re emotional entanglements? It requires courageous vulnerability; not to get stuck in old dramas but actually clear the air and find a more functional, liberating dynamic moving forward right? Especially Mars/Uranus for the New Moon of the 29th, is game changing passion with your lover/partner, if you’re up for it…

And this New Moon is on caring Ceres in your social sector, trine Jupiter in your relationship sector. Community, good friends & your tribe matter, to feel connected to the people who care about you-there may be more of them than you think! It’s great to get out & about for fun on the scene, with that social butterfly thing you do so well and good company to stimulate your mind. And maybe certain networking opportunities, for professional/creative collaboration?

And if single, maybe get your flirt on for possible romantic/dating action? I mean with zingy Mars/Uranus, wildly unexpected chemistry can happen at warp speed!

Image: unable to find original credit for this cool picture.


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