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Lucky your innate intelligence enjoys being stimulated and are such a gifted conversationalist, because your 3rd house of clever ideas & communication genius is a happening thing this month:

-Your ruler Mercury Nov 26th till mid Dec has you fully inspired, to understand the quality of your thoughts creates the reality you want to live. So you are presumably conscious of cultivating crystal clear intentions, right? Also the better to speak your truth, with the same clarity.

Which sure beats the white noise/anxiety of your busy, monkey mind jumping on every random thought & external distraction-if you don’t have a clear purpose to remain focused on, know what I mean?

-Because the Total Solar Eclipse of Dec 4th, bang on Mercury is a chance to align your mind with your innate, powerful emotional intelligence. You trust your gut-the better to make choices and have conversations that just feel right, deep down in your bones.

-Then just as Mercury, with a tendency to overthink the details gets out of the way; Mars in your 3rd house from mid Dec to really step up, embrace the courage of your convictions and express yourself with brilliant, dynamic confidence.

Meanwhile your ruler Venus, in an extended tour of your home sector from Nov till March has you tuned into gorgeous domestic bliss; harmonious relationships at home & creating a beautiful space (which you always adore) matters more than ever.

And this is brought into sharp focus with Venus conjunct Pluto all December, to really come to terms with any nitty gritty issues going on here:

-Family/co-hab power dynamics are revealed, to navigate more clearly. I mean if actual, toxic power trips are going on; you elegantly disconnect as much as possible, to avoid playing out some tired old conflict all over again. But ideally, this is a chance to get real with each other in authentic, empowering ways. Have the conversation, clear the air, choose win-win scenarios that allows everyone to feel recognised -the better to bond with your tribe/loved ones more deeply. To know that come what may, you have one another’s back-which is so important as the world out there gets weird, know what I mean?

-And yes this includes shacked up romance. If you live with your lover you renew the passion, even if this means facing any gnarly issues (thank you healer Chiron in your partner sector); the better to turn each other on with deep, sexy chemistry that comes from mutual respect, healthy vulnerability & ok, getting your fireworks back on in the bedroom. And if on the prowl/dating etc; maybe hot, game changing, quality time with someone promising is best enjoyed on home turf?

-Real estate. This astro reveals the financial realities of any property deals or decisions you are making right now. If any power trippy negotiations present themselves, you get suave about hustling advantageous outcomes-charm works better than conflict here. Or if big moves or lucrative deals going down, that you’ve been working on for a while -stay sharp, you could totally pull it off this month!

Image: Richard Avedon

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