So lets talk about your ruler Venus. She has been excited by a rare, lengthy stay in your fun 5th house since Nov, and conjunct her lover Mars for the last 2 months, to really inspire your playful romance vibe. So it’s been lovely, flirty frisson to turn you on:
And recently this mating magic has become embroiled with Saturn, for a more considered perspective, on where all these fun & games are going -
peaking early April. So whilst having a ball connecting with someone special, or swanning around being a social/flirty butterfly; also aware of any deeper dimensions, constructive challenges & potential commitment with whoever you’re crushing on.
Because meanwhile, the New Moon of April 1st is in your love sector. And conjunct Mercury for a clear, fresh perspective/communication skills and Chiron for lovely emotional empathy.
So you get to have emotionally intelligent, nuanced conversations with your partner; where you get to the point of relational dynamics with such gentle, authentic vulnerability -in a safe space of genuinely caring about one another. This is the brilliant compatibility, marriage vibe that is so your natural thing.
Or ok even you are wounding one another, or one of you is being a smart alec to avoid the feelings? Hopefully you understand the undercurrents and make time to work it out, one way or the other, without reactively exacerbating conflict-just to make a point?
And even if you are dealing with a full blown fuqwit, doing your head in romantically?? You hold your own with elegant restraint, be smart about solid, healthy boundaries to save your own wellbeing (thank you Saturn/Venus) -sans unnecessary destructo drama, know what I mean?
Or if single/dating, you’ve got a gorgeous flirty vibe to scope out potentially deeper feelings with someone fascinating; statistically more likely to turn up in early April!
Or even if not into romance or aint happening, this is fab for healthy, happy relationship with self and all the other fab human connections you can enjoy right now.
And Venus/Mars/Saturn in your 5th house is also about coming to terms with your basic talent, and the disciplined creative process to get even better at what you love to do. Including creative collaborations, and bonding with the tribe who encourage you to put your best foot forward in the world…it’s good to know who’s got your back, huh?
Meanwhile the rare, divine Jupiter/Neptune conjunction this month is in your work/health/lifestyle sector. On the one hand you could get all louche with wildly indulgent habits-to float through the month in an intoxicated haze? Ok could be fun, but obviously not ideal.
On the other hand, ideally you are SO inspired by brilliant ways to make your most meaningful dreams come true in real life; to make every day a magical manifesting opportunity.
Especially with the Libra Full Moon of the 17th, trine Saturn in your creative/play sector. Conscious, positive intentions have never felt so easy to walk your talk on…so worth it to stay on track, and work toward the life you really want to enjoy!
Image: Louise Merten