It’s all about Mars into Leo, firing up your considerable charisma this month. Such a buzz!
First let’s get some context: Mars spends an unusually long time lurking around your spooky 12th house this year-from Sept till April. Is great for doing that quintessentially Leo, Jungian hero’s quest-discovering your inner radiance, with whatever spiritual, self awareness trip turning you on right now. It’s a beautiful thing-being way more mystical than usually given credit for, to retreat from the white noise of the world and embrace your own, shamanic journey.
Also, ok this is quite a long time for the ultimate, Leo showpony to hide out backstage, lol. Of course you love a bit of spotlight, to prance around showing off all this personal brilliance you’ve been cultivating, right?
So Mars into Leo, from Nov 5th is fabulous. Especially trine Mercury joining Venus in your natural habitat-the 5th house of talent, creative confidence, playful romance & life affirming fun. So with Mars in Leo till until Jan, this is your season to shine, baby!
You are so charismatic, sexy & inspired to be your best, courageous self in the world. Also affectionate & generous with your loved ones, and damn seductive with any lover on the scene-as is your wont.
Meanwhile, the New Moon of Nov 1st in your 4th house, of home and family. With Mercury in your 4th trine Mars in the last degree of your spooky 12th. When it comes to family dynamics/domestic harmony you are so exquisitely intuitive, about reading the emotional cues from your tribe. Maybe as simple as quality time together, to have fun bonding? Maybe deeper feelings to communicate about, with intelligent subtlety?
So to the degree relationship skills with you loved ones are the theme here, let’s talk about Pluto lurking around the cusp of your 7th, love/partner sector for the last several months, hinting that your relationship dynamics are about to be transformed. So you’ve got the memo, waiting to see what this new phase of your love life is going to look like?
But also, dammit, Pluto constantly popping back into your practical 6th house, you’ve been kind of busy with your own health/work issues-distracted by getting your act together much?
So the big news this month is Pluto finally getting serious in your 7th house from Nov 20th, for the next 20 years! As the passions & power trips arise late Nov-you begin to get a sense of what you’ll be dealing with for the next, big phase of your love dynamics. Plenty of time to navigate deeper feelings with your long term lover/sexy new attractions and generally ready for way more raw, authentic new ways to connect with all your loved ones.
I mean after recent years of Saturn of Saturn in your 7th, and now your 8th house of deeper emotional, intimate & financial entanglements. Has felt like laying down the law, to do with the rules of engagement and whether commitment is real, or not? Whether you’ve been valiantly working out some love situation, or hiding out avoiding the whole thing, in single mode?
Pluto is about to put a bomb under your love dynamics-to reveal the real desires coming up, the lovers ready to rock your world and what to do about it-one way or the other! As I said, plenty of time to phoenix into a powerful new version of the Leo lover-the stirrings of late Nov are only the beginning…
Meanwhile Venus into your practical 6th house from Nov 13th, joining Ceres conjunct Pluto, still in the last degree of your 6th. To bring your natural, brilliant talent & charm to the day job, cultivating your full success potential.
Perfect, just in time for the Full Moon of Nov 16th, in your brilliant career sector. Conjunct radical Uranus in your 10th and trine Pluto in your 6th. To bring your own, unique genus to professional situations:
Of course this could ruffle feathers, from certain authority figures who prefer the status quo? Also, get all the right attention from the professional crew who get what you’re on about-and the level of talent and integrity you’ve got, to back your bravado in the world. Yes, you’re quite the success machine right now!
Image: Vogue Italia, Naomi Campbell by Andrew MacPherson.