Mars spending a rare, extended visit in your social/networking sector, from August this year till next March; has you totally incandescent with positive vitality, to get amongst it in the world. You correctly get how energising it is to be out & about, as a social butterfly just for fun and getting involved in whatever community/collective cultural zeitgeist turns you on. Fabulous!
So what a bitch, Mars is now officially retrograde, Nov 1st till January.
Is this gonna cramp your style in the world, suddenly klutzy/socially awkward?? Drat, as such a spectacularly confident, charismatic, life of the party type; you are so not accustomed to feeling on the back foot socially?
Well ok, you may feel uncharacteristically withdrawn for a few months,
and that’s fine:
As you suss out any competitive dynamics going on around you, with the cut & thrust of everyone trying to get ahead. And get the Mars retro vibe -where showing off just for ego gratification is kind of naff, comes off as shallow & just doesn’t seem to work right now. Whereas chilling out in the background, quietly observing the scene dark horse style is way sexier, to figure out what you’re on about. The better to step forward with renewed confidence, with Mars direct from January.
And anyway in the middle of a lengthy, hectic phase of stimulating networking -you are more energised taking the next few months to retreat from the melee, and focus on you for a bit?
Because meanwhile the Full Moon of Nov 8th is a Total Lunar Eclipse, conjunct radical Uranus & Destiny Point in your career sector. The discipline to focus your attention on your personal sense of purpose in the world, and meaningful vocational goals is so rewarding. And of course the more you bring your best game to your own, special dreams; the better to earn the respect & street cred, from crew you want to be a part of as the natural, inspirational leader you are.
And this Eclipse involves Venus/Sun/Mercury on the South Node of familiar, comfortability in your domestic sector. In many ways you are happiest here creating a beautiful living environment:
Maybe lushing up the décor at home, as a supremely houseproud creature; and you need somewhere inspiring to retreat to, as you scheme & dream your next move in the world, right?
Also this is lovely to harmonise relationship dynamics, in your closest personal circle. Feels so easy to connect with family, partner or whoever you live with. For a loving, co-operative familial & home scenario to fill your cup emotionally. Such a gorgeous, mutually supportive vibe!
I mean ok, the intense Eclipse energy may reveal stuck old interpersonal issues that need to evolve, especially with karmic taskmaster Saturn in your love sector. But it’s perfect timing with Venus/Mercury, for the emotional intelligence & sweet communication skills to get on with getting along with one another. Much better than bitching about old expectations, that may or may not have been met; that suddenly seem naff in light of a more accepting, fun way of moving forward together. Know what I mean?
Especially the New Moon of Nov 24th, with Venus/Mercury exactly conjunct in your home turf; the 5th house of play, creative talent, brilliant self expression, easy romance & life-affirming fun. This is so fabulous, to forget about what anyone else thinks and just shine like the natural star you are x
Image: Kasia Struss