So if you remember your ruler Mercury, turning direct early August in your 4th/home sector? Maybe certain family dynamics, domestic & property issues suddenly felt tricky? And you’ve been busy wrangling the details & communication skills to work it out, for the last month? September is so good, for clarity about moving forward here:
The New Moon of Sept 3rd in your 4th house is perfect for a lovely, fresh perspective on creating the domestic scenario you desire…
Especially trine caring Ceres in your 8th house of interpersonal & financial entanglements. Where Pluto is totally revealing any power trips and mutually advantageous connections going on. With Mercury direct in your communication sector, to talk about it at length-your favourite thing!
And Venus/Bitch Lilith exactly conjunct in your 5th house, for the creative confidence to manifest whatever nurturing home scenario allows you to play, and have a good time with your tribe.
Also Mars in the last degree of your sign, with positive Jupiter where you will hold your own, about the priorities you hold most dear.
So basically this Moon aligns your loving family relationships and savvy property decisions, to feel at home where you love to live.
Then Mercury direct from Sept 12th, at the same degree of your 4th house he went retrograde last month. For a genuine sense you are getting a handle, on whatever domestic conundrums have been tricky lately.
Especially activating the opposition, between Mars in your autonomous 2nd house and Ceres in your 8th house of interpersonal entanglements. This works for family issues to do with financial/emotional mutual support, you are ready to finesse.
Also how much caring passion is going on, with your shacked up partner or love affair? And property or biz negotiations, ready to successfully monetise? So whatever scenario is going on here -Mercury direct is brilliant for renewed momentum, as you finally get the details right from mid month.
Because with positive Jupiter in your sign, Gemini genius is real! To align with whatever attitude feels most meaningful, as you embrace personal growth. The better to play, with the tribe who get what you’re on about.
Then the Full Moon of Sept 18th, in your 10th/brilliant career sector:
This Moon between practical Saturn & visionary Neptune is so good, to get handle on whatever discipline is required, to make your vocational dreams a reality. Because this Moon aspect Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in your talent sector, your creative expression & personal confidence is so on fire-might as well show off about it professionally!
And opposite Sun & Mercury in your home sector. Just a reminder how much an inspiring home base, you’ve been so focused on lately, really does support you to shine in the world, right?
Also Venus & Bitch Lilith in your 5th, opposite Chiron & Destiny Point in your social sector for this Moon. To the extent you are the supreme social butterfly -you adore the stimulation of flitting about, shining your charisma on the scene?
You get that you have to be fully authentic about whatever you’re on about, in order to network with the kind of cool crew who appreciate your unique point of view.
This could be so good, to turn up with dear friends and community for real -to find your optimum sense of purpose in the world, with the people who turn you on. You adore this sense of connection, right?
Image: Naomi Campbell.